2nd Annual Human Systems Integration Division Student Intern Poster Session
(Aug 13, 2019)
Student interns at NASA's Human Systems Integration Division participated in the Division's 2nd Annual Intern Poster Session on August 6, 2019. More than 20 research interns, working in Division labs such as the Airspace Operations Laboratory (AOL), the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Group and the Fatigue Countermeasures Laboratory, presented 10 posters covering a wide variety of human-factors related topics. As these students approach the end of the internship at NASA, this poster session allowed them to present their findings to Division staff in a collaborative and informative environment.
Some sample topics included "NASA Feast: Food Evaluation and Sample Tracking, A New Application to Study Remote Research Participants", "Machine Learning Prototype App for recognition of Fruits", "Effects to Chronic Sleep Restriction on Meal Timing: A Preliminary Analysis", "NASA Playbook Upgrades", "Crew Autonomy Scheduling: Scheduling Performance Pilot Study" and "Lighting Condition Effect on Cognitive Performance for Long Duration Space Mission Simulation in Analog Environment".
