Playbook for UAS: UX of Goal-Oriented Planning and Execution (2018)
We are evaluating Playbook for CASAS (Connected Autonomous Smart Aerospace Systems), a tool designed to aid first responders in disaster relief efforts. We are adapting an existing tool, Playbook, to support a future unmanned aircraft system (UAS) swarm demonstration. Playbook for CASAS will be used to plan, edit, and monitor simulated UAS swarms, and we are interested in evaluating the user experience of this prototype as well as developing recommendations for future UAS interfaces. Allocation of roles and responsibilities between human-automation systems is key to promoting productive cooperation between users and automation. Future interfaces, however, must allow for adaptive management of the swarm not a constant split in human-automation control. Our early research indicates that when a single pilot is controlling swarms of robotic agents, such as UAS or ground rovers, operators require a higher level, goal-based interface with usability at its core. Along with that high-level control, users can leverage sensors within the swarm to be notified when lower level actions must be taken by the pilot. First responders working in disaster relief efforts require a high level of situational awareness (SA) and precise control at key moments within a mission. This balance in operator workload paired with SA can lead to improved safety and mission outcomes. Our research below outlines leverage points as well as the balance between human involvement and autonomy in UAS interfaces.
Autonomy, Centered, Cognitive, Design, Engineering, Ergonomics, Experience, HCI, Human, Psychology, Swarms, UAS, UAV, User
In: Harris D. (eds) Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics. EPCE 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10906. Springer, Cham