NASA’s Fatigue Countermeasures Laboratory hosted the Biomathematical Performance and Schedule Modeling for Spaceflight Operations Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM)
The Biomathematical Performance and Schedule Modeling for Spaceflight Operations Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) occurred on September 28-29, 2021. This meeting was led by Dr. Erin Flynn-Evans and the Human Systems Integration Division's Fatigue Countermeasures Laboratory at the NASA Ames Research Center with support provided by members of the JSC Behavioral Health and Performance Laboratory. Biomathematical models of performance and scheduling incorporate individual sleep-wake data (and other factors) to provide the prediction of alertness and performance capability. Some of the models discussed during the TIM have been developed, tested, and refined as a result of NASA Human Research Program and National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) research.
The TIM involved brief presentations by research and operations experts, including NASA medical and mission operations personnel. Breakout sessions provided insight into how these models could be used to inform scheduling decisions in spaceflight as well as potential areas for future model developers to consider.

STS-112 crewmembers sleeping in the middeck of the Space Shuttle Atlantis |