- Blizzard, D., Cowings, P. and Miller, N.E. (1975). Visceral responses to opposite types of Autogenic Training imagery. Biological Psychology, 3, 49-55. And in (Barber, T.X. et al. Eds.) Biofeedback and Self- Control, Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co. 1976.
- Cowings, P. S., Billingham, J. and Toscano, W. B. (1977). Learned control of multiple autonomic responses to compensate for the debilitating effects of motion sickness. Therapy in Psychosomatic Medicine, 4, 318-323. Also in (W. Luthe and F. Antonelli Eds.) Autogenic Methods: Application and Perspectives. Rome: Luigi Pozzi S.P.A., 1977. Also in (T.X. Barber, et al. Eds.), Biofeedback and Self-Control 1977/78. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., 1978. [NOTE: Awarded Best Paper by a Young Investigator, by the Space Medicine Branch of the Aerospace Medical Association. 47th Annual Meeting, Bal Harbor].
- Cowings, P.S. (1977). Observed differences in learning ability of heart rate self-regulation as a function of hypnotic susceptibility. Therapy in Psychosomatic Medicine, 4, 221-226. And in (W. Luthe and F. Antonelli, Eds.) Autogenic Methods: Application and Perspective. Rome: Luigi Pozzi S.P.A., 1977.
- Cowings, P.S. (1977). Combined use of Autogenic Therapy and biofeedback in training effective control of heart rate by humans. Therapy in Psychosomatic Medicine, 4, 167-173. And in (W. Luthe and F. Antonelli, Eds.) Autogenic Methods: Application and Perspective. Rome: Luigi Pozzi S.P.A., 1977.
- Cowings, P.S. and Toscano, W.B. (1977). A theory on the evolutionary significance of psychosomatic disease. Therapy in Psychosomatic Medicine, 4, 184-190. And in (W. Luthe and F. Antonelli, Eds.) Autogenic Methods: Application and Perspective. Rome: Luigi Pozzi S.P.A., 1977.
- Cowings, P.S. and Toscano, W.B. (1977). Psychosomatic health: Simultaneous control of multiple autonomic responses by humans - a training method. Therapy in Psychosomatic Medicine, 4, 184-190. And in (W. Luthe and F. Antonelli, Eds.) Autogenic Methods: Application and Perspective. Rome: Luigi Pozzi S.P.A., 1977.
- Stewart, J., Clark, B., Cowings, P. S. and Toscano, W. B. (1978). Learned regulation of autonomic responses to control Coriolis motion sickness: its effects on other vestibular functions. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, New Orleans, pp. 133- 134.
- Toscano, W.B. and Cowings, P. S. (1978). Transfer of learned autonomic control for symptom suppression across opposite directions of Coriolis acceleration. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, New Orleans, pp. 132-133.
- Cowings, P. S. and Toscano, W. B. (1982). The Relationship of Motion Sickness Susceptibility to Learned Autonomic Control for Symptom Suppression. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine. 53, (6), 570-575.
- Toscano, W.B. and Cowings, P.S. (1982). Reducing motion sickness: Autogenic- Feedback Training Compared to an Alternative Cognitive Task. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine. 53, (5), 449-453.
- Finger, H.J., Edsinger, L., Weeks, W.A., Hedges, T.M., Cowings, P.S. and Luzzi, E. (1984). An ambulatory feedback system for space adaptation syndrome. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology (ACEMB), Los Angeles, Sept. 17-19., Pp. 173.
- Cowings, P.S., Toscano, W.B., Kamiya, J., Miller, N.E. and Sharp, J.C. (1985). Autogenic-Feedback Training as a Preventive Method for Space Adaptation Syndrome. NASA Flight Experiment #3AFT23. Spacelab-3. Progress Report I. NASA Conference Publication #2429: Spacelab 3 Mission Science Review. Pp. 84-89.
- Cowings, P.S., Suter, S., Toscano, W.B., Kamiya, J. and Naifeh, K. (1986). General Autonomic Components of Motion Sickness. Psychophysiology, 23, (5), 542-551.
- Cowings, P. S., Toscano, W. B., Kamiya, J., Miller, N. E. and Sharp, J. C. (1988). Final Report. Spacelab-3 Flight Experiment #3AFT23: Autogenic- Feedback Training As A Preventive Method for Space Adaptation Syndrome. NASA Technical Memorandum #89412. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California.
- Cowings, P.S., Naifeh, K. and Thrasher, C. (1988) A Computer Program For Processing Impedance Cardiographic Data: Improving Accuracy Through User-Interactive Software. NASA Technical Memorandum #101020. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California.
- Cowings, P.S., Toscano, W.B., Kamiya, J., Miller, N.E., Pickering, T. and Shapiro, D. (1990). Autogenic-Feedback Training as a Countermeasure for Orthostatic Intolerance. Proceedings of the First Joint NASA Cardiopulmonary Workshop - Houston, TX. NASA Conference Publication #10068. Pp. 145-153
- Cowings, P.S., Naifeh, K.H. and Toscano, W.B. (1990). The Stability Of Individual Patterns Of Autonomic Responses To Motion Sickness Stimulation. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, 61, (5), 399-405.
- Cowings, P.S. (1990). Autogenic-Feedback Training: A Preventive Method for Motion and Space Sickness. In: (G. Crampton (ed.). Motion and Space Sickness. Boca Raton Florida: CRC Press. Chapter 17, Pp.354-372.
- Kellar, M.A., Folen, R.A., Cowings, P.S., Toscano, W.B. & Hisert, G.L. (1993). The Effects of Autogenic-Feedback Training on Emergency Flight Performance. NASA Technical Memorandum #104005. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine. In review.
- Kellar, M.A., Folen, R.A., Cowings, P.S., Toscano, W.B. & Hisert, G.L. (1993). Autogenic-Feedback Training Improves Pilot Performance During Emergency Flying Conditions. NASA Technical Memorandum #104005. NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA. Also published in Flight Safety Digest July, 1993.
- Cowings, P.S., Toscano, W.B. (1993). Autogenic-Feedback Training (AFT) as a Preventive Method For Space Motion Sickness: Background and Experimental Design. NASA Technical Memorandum # 108780 Paper to be submitted to Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine.
- Cowings, P.S., Toscano, W.B., Miller, N.E., Pickering, T. and Shapiro, D. (1993). Autogenic-Feedback Training: A Potential Treatment for Post- Flight Orthostatic Intolerance in Aerospace Crews. NASA Technical Memorandum # 108785. Also published in Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Vol. 34, (6) 599-608.
- Stout, C.S., Toscano, W.B., Cowings, P.S. (1993). Reliability of Autonomic Responses and Malaise Across Multiple Motion Sickness Stimulation Tests. NASA Technical Memorandum #108787. Also published in J. Vestibular Research, 5, (1), 25-33.
- Stout, C.S., & Cowings, P.S. (1993). Increasing Accuracy in the Assessment of Motion Sickness: A Construct Methodology. NASA Technical Memorandum #108797.
- Cowings, P.S., Toscano, W.B., Miller, N.E., & Reynoso, S.M. (1993). Autogenic-Feedback Training As a Treatment For Air-Sickness in High Performance Military Aircraft: Two Case Studies. NASA Technical Memorandum #108810.
- Toscano, W.B., & P. Cowings (1994). The Effects of Autogenic-Feedback Training On Motion Sickness Severity and Heart Rate Variability in Astornauts. NASA Technical Memorandum #108840.
- Cowings, P, Toscano, W., & Miller, N. (1995). Visceral Learning In The Treatment Of Motion Sickness. Association For Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.
- Stout, C. S., Toscano, W. and Cowings, P. S. (1995). Realibility of Psychophysiology response across multiple motion sickness stimulation tests, J. Vestibular Research , 5, (1): 25-33
- Cowings, P. S., Stout, C., Toscano, W. B., DeRoshia, C., Miller, N. E. (1996). The Effects of Promethazine on Human Performance, Mood States and Motion Sickness Tolerance. NASA Technical Memorandum #110420, November, 1996.
- Cowings, P. S., Toscano, W. B., DeRoshia, C. (1998). An evaluation of the frequency and severity of motion sickness incidences in personnel within the Command and Control Vehicle (C2V). NASA Technical Memorandum #112221, January, 1998.
- Kornilova, L.N., Cowings. P.S., Arlaschenko, N.I., Toscano, W.B., Korneev, D.Ju., Ponomarenko, A.V., and Kozlovskaya I.B., (1999). Correction of the Parameters of Autonomous Reactions in the Organism of Cosmonaut with the Method of Adaptive Biocontrol. Aviat.,Space, & Ecology Medicine (Russian journal). 34(3), 66-69.
- Kornilova, L. N., Cowings, P. S., Arlaschenko, N. I., Toscano, W. B., Korneev, D.Ju, Ponomarenko, A. V., and Kozlovskaya, I. B., (1999). Monitoring and Correction of Cosmonauts Vegetative Status Using Autogenic-Feedback Training Method Aviaspace & Ecology Medicine (Russian Journal). April 1999.
- Cowings, P. S., Toscano, W. B., DeRoshia, C., Tauson, R. (1999). Effects of Command and Control Vehicle (C2V). Operational Environment on Soldier Health and Performance. NASA-Ames Research Center, NASA Technical Memorandum TM-1999-208786. July.
- Cowings, P.S., Toscano, W.B. (2000). Autogenic Feedback Training Exercise is Superior to Promethazine for the Treatment of Motion Sickness. J. Clinical Pharmacology 40 - (10):115431165.
- Kuriyama, K., Ueno, T., Ballard, R., Cowings, P.S., Toscano, W.B., Watenpaugh, D.E., Hargens. (2000). Cerebrovascular Responses During Lower Body Negative Pressure-Induced Presyncope. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine.71(10):1033-1038.
- Cowings, P.S., Toscano, W.B., DeRoshia, C., Miller, N.E. (2000). Promethazine as a Motion Sickness Treatment: Impact on Human Performance and Mood States. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 71(10):1013-32.
- Cowings, P. S. & Toscano, W. B. (2000). NASA Space Technology Can Improve Soldier Performance. Army AL&T Magazine, September-October Issue. 2000.
- Cowings, P.S., & Toscano, W.B. (2001). Improving Operational Readiness of Earth and in Space:Autogenic-Feedback Training Exercise. Proceedings of American Institute of Aviation (AIAA) Conference of Space Station Utilization-Crew Payload Training for the International Space Station. Reference number AIAA-200105103, pp. 1260-1273.
- Cowings, P.S, Toscano, W.B., DeRoshia, C., Tauson, R. (2001). Effects of Command and Control Vehicle (C2V) Operational Environment on Soldier Health and Performance. Journal of Human Performance in Extreme Environments. 5(2),66-91.
- Cowings, P.S., Toscano, W.B., Keller, M.A., Burge, J.D. (2001). Autogenic-Feedback Training Exercise Improves Pilot Performance: Enhanced Functioning Under Search and Rescue Flying Conditions. The International Journal of Aviation Psychology. 11(3), 305- 315.
- Cowings, P. S. & Toscano, W. B. (2001). A Lightweight Ambulatory Monitoring System, NASA Technical Brief, January, Vol 25 (1):48-49.
- Cowings, P. S., & Toscano, W. B. (2001). A Personal-Computer-Based Physiological Training System, NASA Technical Brief, February, Vol 25 (2):34-36.
- Toscano, W. B., Cowings, P. S., DeRoshia, C. (2002). Sleep Deprevation Effects on Human Functional State. Research and Technology. 2002.
- Cowings, P. S., Toscano, W. B., Timbers, A., Casey, C., Hufangel, J. (2005). Autogenic Feedback Training Exercise: A Treatment for Airsickness in Military Pilots. The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 15(4), 395-412.
- Cowings, P. S., Toscano, W. B., DeRoshia, C.W., Taylor, B., Hines, S., Bright, A., Dodds, A. (2006). Converging Indicators for Assessing Individual Differences in Adaptation to Extreme Environments: Preliminary Report. NASA Technical Memorandum #2006-2133491.
- Cowings, P. S., Toscano, W., DeRoshia, C., Taylor, B., Hines, A., Bright, A., Dodds, A. (2007). Converging Indicators for Assessing Individual Differences in Adaptation to Extreme Environments. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 2007; 78(5, Supplement):B195-215.
- Cowings P. S., Toscano W. (2009). Behavioral Health and Performance, Technical Gap Analysis White Paper: Sub-Element Behavioral Health Management. NASA Technical Memorandum. 2009-215381.
- Antle L, Cowings P. S., Toscano W, Orasanu J, DeRoshia, C. (2010). Consequences of sleep deprivation on performance and mood states. Proceedings of a meeting of the 60th International Astronautical Congress, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Curran Associates, Inc., April, 2010.
- Acromite M, Davis C, Cowings P, Toscano W. Operational Applications of Autogenic Feedback Training Exercise as a Treatment for Airsickness in the Military. (2011). Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Psychophysiological Aspects of Flight Safety in Aerospace Operations, 29-32, Warsaw, Poland, September 2011
- Toscano W. Psychophysiological Studies in Extreme Environments. (2011). Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Psychophysiological Aspects of Flight Safety in Aerospace Operations, 34-41, Warsaw, Poland, September 2011.
- Toscano, W. Psychophysiological studies in extreme environments. (2013). Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine and Psychology. 19(4), 19-24.
- Cowings P.S., Toscano W.B., Kanis D, Saicheur T, Ravikumar A, Gebreyesus F. Examining individual differences in the temporal profiles of cardiovascular responses to head-down tilt with and without fluid loading: narrowing a gap. NASA Technical Memorandum. 201-218381.
- Ladd S.L., Toscano W.B., Cowings PS, Gabrieli JDE. (2014. Cardiovascular change during encoding predicts the nonconscious mere exposure effect. American Journal of Psychology, 127(2), 157-182.
- Godinez A, Liston DB, Ayzenberg R, Toscano WB, Cowings PS, Stone LS. (2014). G-loading and vibration effects on heart and respiration rates. Aviation Space Environmental Medicine, 85, 1-5.
- Cowings, P. S., Toscano, W. B., Kanis D, Saicheur T, Ravikumar A, Gebreyesus F. (2015). Fluid loading effects on temporal profiles of cardiovascular responses to head-down tilt. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 86(2), ;88-96.
- Cowings P. S., Toscano W. B., Reschke, M. F., & Tsehay, A. (2018). Psychophysiological assessment and correction of spatial disorientation during simulated Orion spacecraft re-entry, International Journal of Psychophysiology. 131 (2018) 102–112.
- Toscano, W.B. (2020). Motion Sickness and Concerns for Urban Air Mobility Vehicles: A Literature Review. NASA/TM-20205009977.
- Russell. B., McDaid, A., Toscano, W.B., & Hume, P. (2021). Moving the Lab into the Mountains: A Pilot Study of Human Activity Recognition in Unstructured Environments. Sensors 2021, 21, 654. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21020654. |