M Brehon
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A. . Sebok, C. . Wickens, A. M. Gacy, M. . Brehon, S. . Scott-Nash, N. . Sarter, N. . Li, B. F. Gore, & B. L. Hooey (2012) MIDAS-FAST: A modeling and simulation-based tool to predict operator performance in human-robotic automation systems, In the 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), July 2012
B. F. Gore, B. L. Hooey, C. . Wickens, C. . Socash, M. . Gosakan, A. M. Gacy, M. . Brehon, & D. C. Foyle (2011) Workload as a performance shaping factor in MIDAS v5, Presented at the Behavioral
Representation in Modeling and Simulation (BRIMS) 2011, Sundance, UT