Nacy S. Dorighi
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S. R. Ellis, N. S. Dorighi, B. M. Menges, B. D. Adelstein, & R. H. Jacoby (1997) In search of equivalence classes in subjective scales of reality, In M.J. Smith, G. Salvendy, and R.J. Koubec, eds., Design of Computing Systems, Advances in Human Factors Ergonomics, vol 21B, Elsevier, 1997, pp. 873-876
S. R. Ellis, N. S. Dorighi, B. M. Menges, B. D. Adelstein, & R. H. Jacoby (1997) In search of equivalence classes in subjective scales of reality, Proceedings of HCI'97 International San Francisco, CA. pp. 873-876
N. S. Dorighi, A. J. Grunwald, & S. R. Ellis (1993) Perspective format for a primary flight display (ADI) and its effect on pilot situation awareness: experimental results, Proceedings of the 37th Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, October 11-15 Seattle, Wash., pp. 88-92.
N. S. Dorighi, A. J. Grunwald, & S. R. Ellis (1992) Perspective format for a primary flight display and its effect on pilot situation awareness, Digital Avionics System Conference Oct 5-8, 1992, Seattle, Wash.
N. S. Dorighi, A. J. Grunwald, & S. R. Ellis (1991) Evaluation of perspective displays on pilot spatial awareness in low visibility curved approaches, AIAA Computing in Aerospace Conference, October 21-24, 1991 Baltimore, MD.