Bruce R. Hilty
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R. S. McCann, J. W. McCandless, & B. R. Hilty (2005) Automating Onboard Operations in Next-Generation Spacecraft: Human Factors Issues, Online Proceedings of the AIAA Space 2005 Meeting. Aug. 30-Sep. 2. Long Beach, CA
R. S. McCann, J. W. McCandless, & B. R. Hilty (2005) Automating Vehicle Operations in Next-Generation Spacecraft: Human Factors Issue, Proceedings of the AIAA Space 2005 Conference
J. W. McCandless, B. R. Hilty, & R. S. McCann (2005) New displays for the space shuttle cockpit, Ergonomics In Design, 13: 15-20.
J. W. McCandless, R. S. McCann, & B. R. Hilty (2003) Upgrades to the caution and warning system of the space shuttle., McCandless J, McCann R and Hilty B (2003) Upgrades to the caution and warning system of the space shuttle. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting, 16-20.