Rosa Oseguera-Lohr
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P. U. Lee, R. . Chartrand, R. . Oseguera-Lohr, C. L. Brasil, D. L. Bakowski, C. V. Gabriel, & M. . Evans (2022) Identifying Common Use Cases across Extensible Traffic Management (xTM) for Interactions with Air Traffic Controllers, Proceedings of the AIAA SciTech Forum (2022–1785). Paper presented at AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum, San Diego, CA/Virtual, January 3–7, 2022. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2022-1785
P. U. Lee, H. . Idris, D. . Helton, T. . Davis, G. . Lohr, & R. . Oseguera-Lohr (2019) Integrated Trajectory-Based Operations for Traffic Flow Management in an Increasingly Diverse Future Air Traffic Operations, 38th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, San Diego, CA
D. . Thipphavong, R. . Apaza, B. . Barmore, V. . Battiste, B. K. Burian, Q. . Dao, M. S. Feary, S. . Go, K. . Goodrich, J. R. Homola, H. . Idris, P. . Kopardekar, J. B. Lachter, N. . Neogi, H. . Ng, R. . Oseguera-Lohr, M. . Patterson, & S. . Verma (2018) Urban Air Mobility Airspace Integration Concepts and Considerations , AIAA Aviation Forum (Aviation 2018); June 25, 2018 - June 29, 2018; Atlanta, GA; United States