J Alexander
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M. K. Kaiser, J. . Jonides, & J. . Alexander (1991) Intuitive reasoning about abstract and familiar physics problems, In R. P. Honeck, T. J. S. Case, & M. J. Firment (Eds.), Introductory Readings for Cognitive Psychology. Guilford, CT: Dushkin Publishing Group
M. K. Kaiser, J. . Jonides, & J. . Alexander (1986) Intuitive reasoning on abstract and familiar physics problems, Memory & Cognition, 14, 308-312. To be reprinted in D. Balota & E. Marsh (Eds.) Cognitive Psychology: Essential Readings. New York: Psychology Press, 2003
M. K. Kaiser, J. . Jonides, & J. . Alexander (1985) Intuitive physics reasoning on abstract and common sense problems, Presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Meeting