C VanAken
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L. K. McDonnell, J. M. Orasanu, & C. . VanAken (2006) Communication strategies for successfully challenging errors while maintaining positive crew climate, In S.B.F. Paletz (Chair), Types, causes, and countermeasures of team conflict: Diverse perspectives. Symposium to be conducted at the American Psychological Association’s Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA
J. M. Orasanu, C. . VanAken, L. K. McDonnell, & U. . Fischer (2001) Communication strategies for successful monitoring and challenging, Paper presented at the Eleventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH, March, 2001
J. M. Orasanu, & C. . VanAken (1999) How do flight crews detect and prevent errors? II. Effective communication strategies, Paper presented at the Tenth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, J. . Davison, K. E. Haars, E. . Villeda, & C. . VanAken (1998) How do flight crews detect and prevent errors? Findings from a flight simulation study, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42nd Annual Meeting (pp. 191-195). Santa Monica, CA: HFES