Martine Godfroy
Phone: 650-604-1271
(2010) NASA Group Achievement Award, Human Vibration Team
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E. M. Wenzel, & M. . Godfroy (2021) Advanced Multimodal Solutions for Information Presentation, NASA/TM-20210017507
E. M. Wenzel, & M. . Godfroy (2021) The Role of Tactile Cueing in Multimodal Displays: Application in Complex Task Environments for Space Exploration, NASA/TM-20210017508
E. M. Wenzel, M. . Godfroy, & J. D. Miller (2012) Prototype Spatial Auditory Display for Remote Planetary Exploration, Proceedings of the 133rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco October 26-29 2012
R. S. McCann, M. . Godfroy, A. L. Gilkey, & B. R. Beutter (2011) Is Operator Attention Focused on the Focus Bar in an Electronic Procedure Viewer? What Eye Fixations Tell Us, HRP/SHFE report September 30th 2010
E. M. Wenzel, & M. . Godfroy (2011) Spatial Auditory Displays for Enhancing Situational Awareness During Non-terrestrial and Remote Exploration, 4th IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology, Palo Alto, CA, August 2-4, 2011
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, & M. . Godfroy (2010) Alerts Within Auditory Displays: Guidelines for NextGen Alerting Systems, NASA Technical Memorandum Draft, OPOCMM, Intelligent Integrated Flight Deck Project, Millestone IIFD.MM.2.3
M. R. Anderson, D. R. Begault, M. . Godfroy, J. D. Miller, & E. M. Wenzel (2010) Applying Spatial Audio to Human Interfaces: 25 Years of NASA Experience, 40th AES International Conference: Spatial Audio: Sense the Sound of Space, October 2010
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, M. . Godfroy, J. D. Miller, & M. R. Anderson (2010) Applying Spatial Audio to Human Interfaces: 25 years of NASA Experience, Proceedings of the 40th International AES Conference, Tokyo, Japan, October 8th-10th, 2010
E. M. Wenzel, M. . Godfroy, M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Begault (2010) Auditory Display Prototype Evaluation, HRP/SHFE report September 30th 2010
R. S. McCann, & M. . Godfroy (2010) Fault Management With and Without the Electronic Procedure Viewer and System Summary Display in the Same Field of View, HRP/SHFE report September 30th 2010
R. S. McCann, U. . Ravinder, M. . Godfroy, M. . Hayashi, L. S. Stone, & R. . Hersheid (2010) Simulating Variability in Task Completion Times with a Human Performance Model: An Oculomotor Approach, HRP/SHFE report September 30th 2010
M. . Godfroy, R. B. Welch, P. M. Sandor, & C. . Roumes (2009) Accuracy and Precision of Auditory-Visual Localization in the Two-Dimensional Frontal Field: A Test of the Modality Precision Model, Proceedings of the IMRF, NY, June 29th-July 2nd 2009
M. . Godfroy, D. R. Begault, & E. M. Wenzel (2009) Auditory Display Systems for Advanced Cockpit Communications, NASA Aviation Safety Technical Conference, McLean, VA, Nov 17-19, 2009
M. . Godfroy, & E. M. Wenzel (2009) Human Dimensions in Multimodal Wearable Virtual Simulators for Extra Vehicular Activities, Proceedings of the NATO HFM-169 Workshop, Orlando, FL, October 20th-22nd, 2009
M. . Godfroy, D. R. Begault, & E. M. Wenzel (2009) Speech Synthesis for Datalink: A study of Overall Quality and Comprehension Effort, Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, OH April 27th-30th, 2009
M. . Godfroy, J. D. Miller, P. M. Sandor, & B. D. Adelstein (2009) Visual Orientation and Navigation in 3D space: Active manual control countermeasures, Proceedings of the IMRF, NY, June 29th-July2nd 2009
D. R. Begault, M. . Godfroy, A. . Sandor, & K. . Holden (2008) Caution and Warning Alarm Design and Evaluation for NASA CEV Auditory Displays, Proceedings of the 124th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 17th-20th, 2008
D. R. Begault, M. . Godfroy, A. . Sandor, & K. . Holden (2007) Auditory alarm design for NASA CEV applications, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Auditory Display, Montreal, Canada, June 26-26, 2007
M. . Godfroy, J. D. Miller, & B. D. Adelstein (2007) Spatial priming in 3 Dimensions: Constraints and benefits associated to manual control via 6 Degree of Freedom input devices, Proceedings of the 226 - ESF-EMBO Symposium on Three Dimensional Sensory and Motor Space, 6-11 October 2007 - Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
D. R. Begault, & M. . Godfroy (2006) Best practices for auditory alarm design in space applications, Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of America- Acoustical Society of Japan 4th Joint Meeting, 28 November- 2 December 2006, Honolulu, HI
D. R. Begault, M. . Godfroy, J. D. Miller, A. . Roginska, M. R. Anderson, & E. M. Wenzel (2006) Design and verification of HEADZAP, a semi-automated HRIR measurement system, Proceedings of 120th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Paris FR, 20-23 May 2006
D. . Hartnagel, M. . Godfroy, A. . Bichot, & C. . Roumes (2005) Auditory-visual fusion space in darkness, Proceedings of the 6th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum, June 5-8, 2005, Rovereto, Italy
M. . Godfroy, & R. B. Welch (2005) Two-dimensional localization with spatially and temporally congruent visual-auditory cues, Proceedings of the 46th conference of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, 10-13 November 2005