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An Evaluation of Airborne Spacing in the Terminal Area  (2005)
Abstract Header
This paper describes a simulation conducted at NASA Ames Research Center to evaluate the feasibility and benefits of time-based airborne spacing and merging operations in Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) airspace. Certified professional air traffic controllers managed simulated traffic in a rich future operational environment with Flight Management System (FMS) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) equipped aircraft flying charted FMS routes to final approach.

A 2x2 repeated-measures design evaluated controller and pilot decision support tools (DSTs) for spacing and merging operations. In conditions with airborne spacing tools, 75 percent of the aircraft were equipped for airborne spacing, including single-piloted simulators flown by commercial pilots using Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI)-based DSTs. In conditions with ground-side spacing tools, controllers used Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS) displays augmented by a runway scheduler and timeline display, spacing advisories, and spacing feedback information. In all conditions, controllers maintained responsibility for separation.

This research was conducted as part of the Advanced Air Transportation Technologies (AATT) project’s Distributed Air Ground Traffic Management (DAG-TM) element, with funding from the NASA Airspace Systems Program. DAG-TM research has been conducted at NASA Langley, Glenn, and Ames Research Centers. A 2x2 repeated-measures design evaluated controller and pilot decision support tools (DSTs) for spacing and merging operations. In conditions with airborne spacing tools, 75 percent of the aircraft were equipped for airborne spacing, including single-piloted simulators flown by commercial pilots using Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI)-based DSTs. In conditions with ground-side spacing tools, controllers used Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS) displays augmented by a runway scheduler and timeline display, spacing advisories, and spacing feedback information. In all conditions, controllers maintained responsibility for separation. This research was conducted as part of the Advanced Air Transportation Technologies (AATT) project’s Distributed Air Ground Traffic Management (DAG-TM) element, with funding from the NASA Airspace Systems Program. DAG-TM research has been conducted at NASA Langley, Glenn, and Ames Research Centers.
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air, airborne, area, ATC, control, evaluation, spacing, terminal, TRACON, traffic
References Header
Proceedings of the 24th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Washington D.C., USA.
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Curator: Phil So
NASA Official: Jessica Nowinski
Last Updated: August 15, 2019