Battiste, Vernol, M.A.
e-mail: vernol.battiste-1@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-3666
Johnson, Walter, Ph.D.
e-mail: walter.johnson@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-3667
Shively, Robert, M.A.
e-mail: robert.j.shively@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-6249 |
Battiste, Vernol, M.A. |
Position: FDDRL Lead Investigator
Affiliation: San Jose State University
e-mail: vernol.battiste-1@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-3666
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Vernol Battiste is principal investigator and co-lead of an Ames group investigating advanced cockpit displays of traffic information. This group has primary responsibility for advanced flight deck display and interface research and development. The groups' primary focus is the development of advanced display principles, concepts, and requirements for the next generation air traffic management system (NEXTGEN). Mr. Battiste earned an MA in Psychology from San Jose State University, while completing an internship at NASA Ames Research Center. He holds a B.A. in Research Psychology from California State University, Hayward. Mr. Battiste is a former Air Traffic Controller, with both the FAA and USAF. He is a former Jet Engine Mechanic with the USAF. His research has focused primarily on advanced display concepts, pilot geographical orientation, navigation, and workload. |
Brandt, Summer, M.A. |
Position: Senior Research Associate
Affiliation: San Jose State University
e-mail: summer.l.brandt@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-2578
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Summer Brandt received her B.A. in Psychology from Mills College and her M.A. in Experimental Psychology from San Jose State University. Her current research efforts are focused on examining the usability of advanced visualization concepts and integrated automation tools on the CDTI. |
Canton, Riva |
Position: Programmer
Affiliation: Dell Services Federal Govt.
e-mail: riva.canton@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-2504
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Riva Canton is a programmer in the FDDRL. He has backgrounds in Astrophysics, Computational Physics, Orbital Dynamics, Spacecraft Attitude Control, and IP Telephony. His current focus area within the the FDDRL are the Conflict Detection and Resolution software, Data Reduction, and the Voice-Over-IP multichannel communication system. He is a member of the American Physical Society and a member of the American Geophysical Union. |
Fern, Lisa |
Position: Senior Research Associate
Affiliation: San Jose State University
e-mail: lisa.fern@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-2506
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Lisa Fern received her B.S. in Psychology from the University of Calgary, and her M.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from The Ohio State University. Her current research focus is on human-automation interaction and design of displays for unmanned aircraft systems in both civil and military applications. |
Johnson, Walter, Ph.D. |
Position: FDDRL Lead Investigator
Affiliation: NASA
e-mail: walter.w.johnson@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-3667
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Dr. Walter W. Johnson studies the perception and display of visual information in the Human Information Processing Research Branch at the NASA Ames Research Center. Dr. Johnson, who has a Ph.D in Experimental Psychology from the Ohio State University, began his work at Ames as a NRC Post-doctoral Associate in 1986, and then became a civil servant and primary investigator. During the past 15 years Dr. Johnson has studied the use of optical information to visually guide the control of self-motion, and more recently has focused his efforts on the display of spatial information in cockpit displays.
Download Curriculum Vitae (Microsoft Word - 92KB) |
Koteskey, Rob |
Position: Research Associate
Affiliation: San Jose State University
email: robert.w.koteskey@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-4320
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Rob Koteskey received his B.S in Aviation Technology from Purdue University in 1986. Upon graduation, he was commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Navy and served for 13 years as a Naval Aviator. He received an M.A in education from San Jose State University in 1993, where his area of research was the design of aviation team training. Rob's current work is focused on the development of procedures and technology related to NextGen initiatives. He is the group's training manager and is an active pilot for a major international airline. |
Lachter, Joel, Ph.D. |
Position: Research Scientist
Affiliation: San Jose State University
email: joel.lachter@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-0796
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Joel Lachter is a senior research associate with San Jose State University working in the Human Systems Integration division at NASA Ames Research Center. He has worked for 25 years on perception and attention. After receiving his doctorate in psychology and computer science from the University of Rochester in 1994, he spent five years at the University of Arizona doing work on perceptual masking and participating in the Center for Consciousness Studies. In 2000 he moved to NASA to work in the Cognition Lab and in 2007, he joined the Flight Deck Display Research Laboratory. He currently splits his time between the FDDRL, where he works on the design and analysis of human-in-the-loop studies to examine displays, automation and procedures, and the Cog Lab where he does basic research on attention and decision-making. |
Lawton, George |
Position: Programmer
Affiliation: Dell Services Federal Govt.
e-mail: george.f.lawton@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-0899
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George is a Computer Scientist supporting the FDDRL. He currently develops in C++ and Java in both the CSD and MACS source code. Recent developments include spacing algorithm integration and aerodynamic model integration. |
Ligda, Sarah, M.A. |
Position: Research Associate
Affiliation: San Jose State University
e-mail: sarah.v.ligda@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-5348
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Sarah Ligda earned her M.A. in experimental psychology at San Jose State University in 2009. Her research interests include subjective operator workload, situation awareness, and performance with respect to current and future flight deck displays (CSD/CDTI) and meteorological disruptions. |
Luk, John |
Position: Engineering Intern
Affiliation: San Jose State University
e-mail: jonathan.k.luk@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-0531
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John Luk is studying at San Jose State University for a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in Communications. He is currently interning with the Flight Deck Research group and supporting the software and hardware development of the Boeing 777 Flight Simulator. |
Matessa, Michael, Ph.D. |
Position: Cognitive Scientist
Affiliation: Rockwell Collins
e-mail: mmatessa@gmail.com
Phone: 650-604-5975
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Mike Matessa is a Cognitive Scientist at Rockwell Collins collaborating with researchers in the Flight Deck Display Research Laboratory. He received his Ph.D. in Psychology from Carnegie Mellon University in 2000 and was a Research Psychologist at NASA Ames from 2001-2006. His current research interests include Crew Resource Management and air/ground communication.
Mogford, Richard, Ph.D. |
Position: Research Psychologist
Affiliation: NASA
e-mail: richard.h.mogford@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-1922
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Richard Mogford received his B.A. degree in psychology from York University and his M.A. degree in psychology from Sonoma State University. He obtained his Ph.D. in experimental psychology and human factors from Carleton University in 1990. He worked as a human factors researcher at the FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center for nine years. For the past nine years, he has been employed by the NASA Ames Research Center as a Project Manager and Research Psychologist. |
Quinonez, Thomas |
Position: Software Engineer
Affiliation: Dell Services Federal Govt.
email: thomas.e.quinonez@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-0140
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Thomas Quinonez is a software architect/engineer and former e-commerce consultant, currently supporting the Flight Deck Display Research Group in the design and development of weather simulation capabilities. At Ames since 2002, he has more experience than he cares to discuss, developing systems for such companies as General Dynamics, Hughes Aircraft, Teledyne and Chevron Oil Field Research. |
Rorie, Conrad |
Position: Research Associate
Affiliation: San Jose State University
email: conrad.rorie@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-5451
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Conrad Rorie received his B.A. in Psychology from California State University, Long Beach, where he also received his M.S. in Human Factors Psychology. His thesis examined the impact of multiple levels of force feedback during operation of a simulated Cockpit Display of Traffic Information. He is currently researching human factors-based issues regarding the integration of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) into the National Airspace System (NAS). |
Shively, Robert, M.A. |
Position: FDDRL Lead investigator
Affiliation: NASA
email: robert.j.shively@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-6249 |
Wong, Dominic |
Position: Programmer
Affiliation: Dell Services Federal Govt.
e-mail: dominic.g.wong@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-1117
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Dominic Wong is a C++ programmer under contract to NASA. |
Wu, Shu-Chieh, Ph.D. |
Position: Research Scientist
Affiliation: San Jose State University
e-mail: shu-chieh.wu@nasa.gov
Phone: 650-604-5782
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Dr. Shu-Chieh Wu is a Senior Research Associate affiliated with San Jose State University doing collaborative research in the FDDRL. She received her Ph.D in Cognitive/Experimental Psychology from The Ohio State University. Dr. Wu began her work at Ames as a NRC Post-doctoral Associate in the Cognition Lab researching fundamental mechanisms underlying visual attention and eye movements. In the FDDRL she has been the lead on an FAA funded project and researched the visual scanning patterns of pilots interacting with NextGen tools during human-in-the-loop simulations. |
Comerford, Doreen, Ph.D. |
Position: Ames Associate
Affiliation: SUNY College at Oneonta |
Dr. Doreen Comerford was a civil servant at NASA Ames Research Center until 2005. She currently holds a position in the Psychology Department at the State University of New York, College at Oneonta. However, she continues to serve as an associate for the Ames Flight Deck Display Research Laboratory. In general, Doreen's research focuses on the human factors issues associated with the display and interpretation of dynamic information, with particular emphasis on aviation displays. In recent years, she has been working to understand pilots' weather-related decision-making and the manner in which pilots' weather-related decisions are affected by perceptual, cognitive, and social/organizational factors. Her current research is meant to provide recommendations in the development of advanced displays and decision tools to support pilots' weather-related decisions. |
Marayong, Nim, Ph.D. |
Position: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: California State University, Long Beach Email: panadda.marayong@csulb.edu
Phone: 562-985-4283 |
Dr. Panadda Marayong is a co-investigator of Center for Human Factors in Advanced Aeronautics Technologies (CHAAT) at CSULB. She completed her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in the area of robotics from Johns Hopkins University in 2007. Her primary research interests are in the areas of robotics and design of human-robot cooperative systems for application in aviation safety, rehabilitation, and manufacturing. Currently, she is serving as a Vice Chair on the Executive Board of the Pacific Southwest Section of the American Society for Engineering Education. She is a member of ASME, IEEE-Robotics and Automation Society, SWE, and Tau Beta Pi. She has been the faculty advisor of the CSULB Society of Women Engineers (SWE) since 2008. |
Owen, Dean, Ph.D. |
Position: Ames Associate |
Dr. Dean H. Owen is a retired human factors psychologist formerly affiliated with the Aviation Psychology Laboratory at Ohio State University and the Human Interface Technology Laboratory at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. Dr. Owen has a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Purdue University and specialized in the study of perception and action, simulation, and affordance analysis. Since 2008, Dr. Owen has consulted with the Ames Flight Deck Display Research Laboratory on issues related to the NEXTGEN air traffic management system. His concern has been with applying affordance analysis in support of automation aiding resolution of predicted flight-path conflicts with terrain and, particularly, with turbulence. A major goal is the display of predicted conflicts to best serve decision making and control when flight-path diversions are under consideration. |
Vu, Kim, Ph.D. |
Position: Professor
Affiliation: California State University, Long Beach
Email: Kim.Vu@csulb.edu
Kim Vu is a Professor of Psychology at California State University Long Beach. She received her doctorate in Cognitive Psychology from Purdue University in 2003. Dr. Vu has been working with the Flight Deck Display Research Laboratory on aviation research relating to NextGen since 2005. In 2009, Dr. Vu received the APA Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology Early Career Achievement Award. She serves as Associate Director of the Center for Human Factors in Advanced Aeronautics Technologies (CHAAT), A Group 5 NASA University Research Center (URC). Her research specialization is in the areas of interface design; air traffic controller training in NextGen; stimulus-response compatibility; attention and task switching; information security; human factors. |
Dao, Quang |
Johnson, Dana |
Kenny, Caitlin |
Kraut, Joshua |