Westinghouse
approached
the
project
to
help
them
compare
their
current
paper-based
procedures
with
their
new
computer-aided
system
called
The
group
developed
two
scenarios
based
on
the
same
faulted
steam
generator
comparing
the
paper
procedures
with
projected
procedures.
The
Westinghouse-MIDAS
project
showed
that
two
scenarios
in
a
new
domain
can
be
developed
in
the
space
of
several
months
with
minimal
staff
commitment.
The
working
group
in
the
control
room
consists
of
a
Senior
Reactor
Operator
and
two
Reactor
Operators.
During
an
emergency
procedure
the
senior
operator
reads
the
checklist
items
from
either
the
paper
notebook
or
from
the
computer
screen.
The
other
operators
read
the
requested
values
from
the
dials
and
gauges
located
around
the
control
room.
The
paper
scenario
in
was
based
on
the
actions
in
a
video
tape
of
a
faulted
steam
generator
at
Westinghouse's
Pittsburgh
simulator.
The
scenario
was
based
on
the
same
emergency
as
the
paper
scenario
with
the
actions
extrapolated
from
the
design
specifications
for
and
times
based
on
similar
human-computer
interactions.
This
allows
to
be
used
earlier
in
the
design
process,
before
the
man-in-the-loop
simulators
are
built.
The
emergency
procedure
used
for
the
demo
is
one
of
the
least
complex
and
most
practiced
of
the
Emergency
Procedures.
Even
so,
we
were
able
to
demonstrate
several
examples
of
potential
memory
load
problems
for
the
operator.
Westinghouse
is
continuing
to
work
with
the
system
to
analyze
other
procedures
for
their
nuclear
control
rooms.
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