Dorrit Billman
Phone: 650-604-5071
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D. . Billman, B. . Baron, & R. J. Mumaw (2023) Cognitive Engineering in Training: Monitoring and Pilot-Automation Coordination in Complex Environments, 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), San Francisco, CA
J. M. Feldman, L. H. Martin, V. . Gujral, C. M. Walter, D. . Billman, P. . Revolinsky, & G. . Costedoat (2023) Developing and testing two interfaces for Supplemental Data Service Provider (SDSP) tools to support UAS Traffic Management (UTM), Proceedings of the AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, CA. doi.org/10.2514/6.2023-3966
R. J. Mumaw, & D. . Billman (2023) Limitations on the Use of Eye-Tracking Data to Understand Operator Awareness, 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), San Francisco, CA
D. . Billman, A. N. Hobbs, L. . Cusano, & N. . Szládovics (2023) Survey Development and Initial Data: Flight Context and Pilot Techniques in Everyday Flights, 22nd International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP), Rochester, NY
R. J. Mumaw, D. . Billman, & B. . Baron (2023) What Can We Learn From Resilient Pilot Behaviors? The Case of Energy Management While Flying a STAR, 22nd International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP), Rochester, NY
D. . Billman, R. J. Mumaw, P. . Zaal, T. J. Lombaerts, I. C. Torron, S. . Jamal, M. C. Shyr, & M. S. Feary (2022) The Effects of Training and Flight Director Use on Pilot Monitoring Performance: A Sensemaking Approach, NASA/TM–20220005742
R. J. Mumaw, D. . Billman, & M. S. Feary (2021) Analysis of Pilot Monitoring Skills and a Review of Training Effectiveness, NASA/TM-20210000047
P. . Zaal, T. J. Lombaerts, R. J. Mumaw, D. . Billman, I. C. Torron, S. . Jamal, M. C. Shyr, & M. S. Feary (2021) Eye-Tracking Analysis from a Flight-Director-Use and Pilot-Monitoring Study, In AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2021-2995
D. . Billman, R. J. Mumaw, & M. S. Feary (2021) Methods for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Programs to Train Pilot Monitoring, NASA/TM-20210000045
D. . Billman, R. J. Mumaw, & M. S. Feary (2020) Best Practices for Evaluating Flight Deck Interfaces for Transport Category Aircraft with Particular Relevance to Issues of Attention, Awareness, and Understanding, NASA/TM–2019–220390
R. J. Mumaw, L. . Haworth, D. . Billman, & M. S. Feary (2020) Evaluation Issues for a Flight Deck Interface, NASA/TM-20205010986
R. J. Mumaw, D. . Billman, & M. S. Feary (2020) Factors that Influenced Airplane State Awareness Accidents and Incidents, NASA/TM-20205010985
R. J. Mumaw, D. . Billman, & M. S. Feary (2020) Identification of Scenarios for System Interface Design Evaluation, NASA/TM-20205010988
D. . Billman, R. . Catrambone, J. M. Feldman, Z. A. Caddick, S. . Eurich, J. M. Leventhal, R. . Martin, & K. . Sliwinska (2018) Training for Generalization: The Role of Integrated Skills and Knowledge in Technology Domains, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 2018 Annual Meeting
D. . Billman, M. S. Feary, D. . Schreckenghost, & L. . Sherry (2015) Needs Analysis and Technology Alignment Method: A Case Study of Planning Work in an International Space Station Controller Group, Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making
D. . Billman, L. . Arsintescu, M. S. Feary, J. C. Lee, & R. . Tiwary (2015) Needs Analysis and Technology Evaluation: Evaluation Case Study of Alternative Software for Controller Planning Work, Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making
D. . Billman, L. . Arsintescu, M. S. Feary, J. C. Lee, & R. . Tiwary (2015) Needs Analysis and Technology Evaluation: Evaluation Case Study of Alternative Software for Controller Planning Work, Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 9(2), 186-207
D. . Billman, D. . Schreckenghost, & P. . Miri (2014) Assessment of Alternative Interfaces for Manual Commanding of Spacecraft Systems: Compatibility with Flexible Allocation Policies, In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 365-369). SAGE Publications.
D. . Schreckenghost, T. . Milam, & D. . Billman (2014) Human performance with procedure automation to manage spacecraft systems, Proceedings of IEEE Aerospace, Big Sky, MT
D. . Billman (2014) Work Representations for Evaluating and Modeling Human-Machine Systems, Paper presented at AAAI Spring Symposium on Modeling in Human-Machine Systems: Challenges for Formal Verification. Stanford, March 2014
M. S. Feary, D. . Billman, X. . Chen, A. . Howes, R. L. Lewis, L. . Sherry, & S. . Singh (2013) Linking Context to Evaluation in the Design of Safety Critical Interfaces, HCI 1, V (2004) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 193-202. Springer: Berlin
D. . Billman, & M. S. Feary (2012) Human-Automation Integration: Principle and Method for Design and Evaluation, Paper presented at NASA Human Research Program Investigators Workshop, Feb 14-16, Houston, TX
D. . Billman, L. . Arsintescu, M. S. Feary, J. C. Lee, A. . Smith, & R. . Tiwary (2011) Benefits of Matching Domain Structure for Planning Software: The Right Stuff, Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2010); May, 2011 Vancouver, BC. P. 2521-2530
J. C. Lee, & D. . Billman (2011) Modeling Performance Differences across Systems, Tasks, and Strategies, In L. Carlson, C. Holscher, & T. Shipley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 3489-3495). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society
D. . Billman, & M. S. Feary (2010) Collective Intelligence and Three Temporal Aspects of Planning in Organizations: A NASA Example, Poster presented at the CSCW workshop, Collective Intelligence In Organizations: Toward a Research Agenda. Savannah, GA. February 6, 2010
M. K. Kaiser, C. S. Allen, I. . Barshi, D. . Billman, & K. . Holden (2010) Human Factors Research for Space Exploration: Measurement, Modeling, and Mitigation, Panel accepted for 2010 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 136-140
D. . Billman, M. S. Feary, D. . Schreckenghost, & L. . Sherry (2010) Needs Analysis: The Case of Flexible Constraints and Mutable Boundaries, Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2010); April, 2010 Atlanta, GA, p 4597-4612
J. . Shrager, D. . Billman, G. . Convertino, J. P. Massar, & P. . Pirolli (2010) Soccer Science and the Bayes Community: Exploring the Cognitive Implications of Modern Scientific Communication, Topics in Cognitive Science, 2, 53-72
E. . Bier, D. . Billman, K. . Dent, & S. K. Card (2009) Collaborative Sensemaking Tools for Task Forces, Paper presented at the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society, San Antonio, Tx
G. . Convertino, D. . Billman, P. . Pirolli, J. P. Massar, & J. . Shrager (2008) The CACHE Study: Group Effects in Computer-Supported Collaborative Analysis, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 17, 353-393
W. . Bridewell, J. . Sanchez, P. . Langley, & D. . Billman (2006) An interactive environment for the modeling and discovery of scientific knowledge, International Journal of Human–Computer Studies, 26, 1099-1114
D. . Billman, W. . Bridewell, & S. . Borrett (2006) Incorporating cognitive principles into modeling tools for scientists, In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, B.C
D. . Billman, D. . Shapiro, & K. . Cummings (2005) Processes in Diagnostic Reasoning: Information Use in Causal Explanations, In Program of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Pp. 262-267, Erlbaum: Hillsdale, NJ