Robert S. McCann
Ames Associate
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NASA Ames Research Center
MS: 262-4
Moffett Field, CA 94035
Work (650) 604-0052
Fax: (650) 604-3323
E-mail: Robert.S.McCann@nasa.gov
Group Lead, Intelligent Spacecraft Interface Systems (ISIS) Laboratory
- 1987 Ph.D. Cognitive Psychology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
- 1984 M.A. Experimental Psychology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
- 1981 B.A. Honours, Experimental Psychology, Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
- 2003 Recipient of the Code I "Fish" award for dedication and enthusiasm for NASA goals and missions.
- 2001 Recipient of a NASA Headquarters Acquisitions Improvement award for work on the second generation RLV NRA-9 evaluation
- 2001 Co-recipient of a NASA Johnson Space Center Group Achievement Award for rapid development of the initial Cockpit Avionics Upgrade Display/control and Applications Requirements.
- 2000 Co-recipient of a NASA Johnson Space Center Group Achievement Award in recognition of outstanding contributions to the Space Shuttle Cockpit Council Development Team.
- 1999 Co-recipient of a NASA Ames Group Achievement Award for significantly impacting the safety and efficiency of airport surface operations in all-weather conditions through the development, integration, and demonstration of key navigation and situation awareness technologies.
- 1999 Recipient of the 1999 Wright Brothers Memorial Award Medal for outstanding technical paper titled, "An Evaluation of the Taxiway Navigation and Situation Awareness (T-NASA) System in High-fidelity Simulation," (SAE Paper No. 985541). This award annually recognizes the best paper, presented at a Society of Automotive Engineering technical meeting, relating to the invention, development, design, construction, or operation of an aircraft or spacecraft.
- 1997 Recipient of NASA Ames Research Center Honor Award for excellence in the
category of contractor employee.
- 1996 Recipient of a Society of Automotive Engineers Excellence in Oral Presentation Award for presentation entitled “Advanced navigation aids in the cockpit…”
- 1987-1990 Awarded National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship.
- 1987 Awarded Arts Graduate Scholarship, University of Waterloo.
- 1982-1986 Awarded Postgraduate Scholarship, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
- 1982 Awarded Province of Ontario Graduate Scholarship.
Space Human Factors, Attentional Limits on Human Information Processing, Role of Attention in Visual Word Processing.
Astronomy, Natural History.
- 2002-Present: Group Lead, Intelligent Spacecraft Interface Systems (ISIS) Laboratory.
- 2000-2002: Ames Shuttle Cockpit Upgrade Project. Responsibilities include managing, participating, and planning Ames efforts in support of the Space Shuttle Cockpit Avionics Upgrade and 2nd Generation Reusable Space Vehicle cockpit architecture development.
- 1999: Lead, Obstacle Detection and Depiction (subelement 2.11 of the Safe All-weather Flight Operations for Rotorcraft [SAFOR] Level 4 Plan). Responsibilities included the design of electronic displays to reduce wire strikes, development of experimental mission scenarios to evaluate the displays, and supervising programmer development of the Rotorcraft Part- Task Simulator (RPTL). Collaborator: Karen Jones, SJSU.
- 1991-1998. Co-developer of the Taxiway Navigation and Situation Awareness (T-NASA) system, an electronic display suite to help pilots taxi under low-visibility conditions.
Principal Investigator, part-task and full-mission simulations evaluating separate and combined components of the T-NASA system on pilots’ taxi performance. Responsibilities included supervising the development of a part-task simulation facility to examine taxi behavior, conducting research to evaluate the impact of the displays on pilots’ taxi performance, and conducting a full-mission simulation evaluating the T-NASA system in the Advanced Concepts Flight Simulator (ACFS). Collaborators: David Foyle, Anthony Andre, Becky Hooey, Durand Begault, Elizabeth Wenzel, Bonny Parke, Barb Kanki, Vern Battiste.
Co-Principal Investigator (with David Foyle) researching attentional issues relating to the use of Head-Up Displays (HUDs). Laboratory experiments and part-task flight simulations suggested that pilots have difficulty processing HUD symbology and the out-the-window scene in parallel. A design solution involving scene-linked (earth-referenced) symbology was developed and evaluated.
Principal Investigator, allocation of attention to individual (target) elements in highly conspicuous perceptual groups. Results suggest that perceptual grouping and element location mutually constrain the distribution of attention across elements of complex visual displays. Collaborator: Kevin Jordan.
Principal Investigator, automaticity in visual word-processing. Incontrast to predictions of most current models of visual word processing, our research indicates that word processing forms a bottleneck, and is not performed in parallel with concurrent choice reaction-time tasks. Collaborators: Roger Remington and Mark Van Selst.
Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Jennifer Stolz, Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) researching the role of spatial attention in visual word processing. The results add to evidence that the spatial attention and visual word-processing systems are interactive.
- 1987-1990: National Research Council (NRC) Postdoctoral Researcher, NASA-Ames Research Center. Research topics include:
The nature of human performance limitations in multi-task environments.
The role of spatial attention in the perception of printed words.
The role of strategies in the performance of choice reaction time tasks.
Evaluation of connectionist models of visual word processing.
- 1985-1987: Ph.D. dissertation research, University of Waterloo. Thesis title:"On the locus of word frequency effects in word recognition: Evidence
from the processing of novel letter strings". Supervisor: Dr. Derek Besner.
- 1983-1984: M.A. Thesis research. Thesis title: "On the memory code in serial feature-positive discriminations". Supervisor: Dr. Robert St. Claire-Smith.
- 1981: B.A. Honours Thesis research, Queen's University at Kingston. Thesistitle: "Strategies in Tachistoscopic Recognition". Supervisor: Dr. D.J.K. Mewhort.
- 1980: Research Assistant to Dr. Brian Butler, Queen's University at Kingston.TEACHING EXPERIENCE:
- 1983-1987: Assistant in instruction, University of Waterloo.
- Fall 1983: Introduction to Psychology
- Spring 1984: Cognitive Processes
- Summer 1986: Cognitive Processes
- Fall 1987: Experimental Methods
- 1981-1982: Assistant in instruction, Wilfrid Laurier University.
- Fall 1981: Introduction to perception
- Winter 1982: Statistical Methods
Responsibilities included examination preparation, grading, lecturing, and designing and supervising student research projects.
- Reviewer:
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
Memory and Cognition
Perception and Psychophysics
Psychological Research
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
- Thesis Advisor:
Jean Lynch, San Jose State University Master's Thesis.
Robert Edmiston, San Jose State University Master's Thesis.
Karen Jones, San Jose State University Master’s Thesis.
- Thesis Examiner:
External Examiner, Ph.D. Thesis, Cognitive Science Program, Carleton University, September 2003.
- Colloquium Speaker:
Queen's University at Kingston, October 1991.
University of California at Berkeley, February 1995.
- Team Activities:
Deputy, Human-Centered Integrated Discipline Team for Project Constellation (2005)
Member, NASA Ames IVHM Tiger Team (2004).
Member, Space Shuttle Cockpit Upgrade Evaluation Team (2003-2004).
Space Shuttle Cockpit Avionics Upgrade Evaluation Project (2003-2004).
Cockpit architecture roadmap team (CART) (2000).
Lead analyst on ASRS runway incursion incident reports (1999).
Evaluator: NASA Unique industry proposals for 2nd Generation Reusable Launch Vehicle program (January 2001).
- The Psychonomic Society.
- The Society of Automotive Engineers.
(2015) Ames Technology Award, Patent Award for Stroboscopic Image Modulation to Reduce Visual Blur of an Object Being Viewed by an Observer Experiencing Vibratio
(2013) NASA Group Achievement Award, Autonomous Mission Operations Test Team
(2010) NASA Group Achievement Award, Human Vibration Team
(2009) NASA Space Flight Awareness Award, Centrifuge Vibration Team
(2004) Software Release Award, Taxiway Navigation and Situation Awareness (T-NASA) System Simulation Software
(2001) Acquistion Improvement Award, Evaluator on SLI Cycle 1 Proposals
(2001) Johnson Space Center Award, Space Shuttle Cockpit Council Development Team
(2000) Johnson Space Center Award, Cockpit Avionics Upgrade Display
(1999) Best Paper Award, SAE Wright Brothers Memorial Medal for best paper relating to the invention, development, design, construction or operation of an aircraft and/or spacecraft. Paper title: "An Evaluation of the Taxiway Navigation and Situation Awareness (T-NASA) System in High-Fidelity Simulation"
(1998) NASA Group Achievement Award, Low-Visibility and Surface Operations Flight Validation Team

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B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, & M. R. Anderson (2013) Display strobing: An effective countermeasure against visual blur from whole-body vibration, Acta Austronatica, 92, 53-64
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, & M. R. Anderson (2011) Display strobing countermeasure reduces the visual impact of whole-body vibration, Abstract, International Academy of Astronautics 18th Humans in Space Symposium, April 11-15, Houston TX
M. K. Kaiser, B. D. Adelstein, R. S. McCann, B. R. Beutter, & M. R. Anderson (2011) Display strobing reduces visual blur during whole-body vibration, Abstracts of the Psychonomics Society, 52nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, November 3-6, p. 137
R. S. McCann, M. . Godfroy, A. L. Gilkey, & B. R. Beutter (2011) Is Operator Attention Focused on the Focus Bar in an Electronic Procedure Viewer? What Eye Fixations Tell Us, HRP/SHFE report September 30th 2010
R. S. McCann, & M. . Godfroy (2010) Fault Management With and Without the Electronic Procedure Viewer and System Summary Display in the Same Field of View, HRP/SHFE report September 30th 2010
R. S. McCann, U. . Ravinder, M. . Godfroy, M. . Hayashi, L. S. Stone, & R. . Hersheid (2010) Simulating Variability in Task Completion Times with a Human Performance Model: An Oculomotor Approach, HRP/SHFE report September 30th 2010
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, L. S. Stone, & M. R. Anderson (2009) Effects of Transverse Seat Vibration on Near-Viewing Readability of Alphanumeric Symbology, NASA Technical Memorandum 2009-215385
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, L. S. Stone, & M. R. Anderson (2009) Influence of Combined Whole-Body Vibration Plus G-Loading on Visual Performance, NASA/TM 2009-215386
M. . Hayashi, U. . Ravinder, B. R. Beutter, R. S. McCann, L. . Spirkovska, & F. . Renema (2008) Operator Performance Evaluation of Fault Management Interfaces for Next-Generation Spacecraft.
U. . Ravinder, R. S. McCann, B. R. Beutter, L. S. Stone, & V. A. Huemer (2007) Development of a Human Performance Modeling tool for User Interface Evaluation in Next Generation Spacecraft: An Empirical Approach, Ravinder, U., McCann, R. S., Beutter, B., Stone, L., & Huemer, V. (2007, October). Development of a Human Performance Modeling tool for User Interface Evaluation in Next Generation Spacecraft: An Empirical Approach. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC �07), Montreal, Canada.
M. . Hayashi, V. A. Huemer, J. B. Lachter, S. P. Elkins, F. . Renema, B. R. Beutter, J. W. McCandless, R. S. McCann, & L. . Spirkovska (2006) Evaluation of an Advanced Fault Management System Display for Next Generation Crewed Space Vehicles, In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Oct. 16-20, San Francisco, CA, 136-140.
J. W. McCandless, M. K. Kaiser, T. S. Barth, R. S. McCann, & N. J. Currie (2006) Human-systems integration challenges for constellation, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. pp 96-100
J. W. McCandless, R. S. McCann, I. . Barshi, M. K. Kaiser, & A. . Andre (2006) Panel presentation: Human factors technologies for space exploration, In proceedings of Space 2006. San Jose, CA: AIAA
R. S. McCann, J. W. McCandless, & B. R. Hilty (2005) Automating Onboard Operations in Next-Generation Spacecraft: Human Factors Issues, Online Proceedings of the AIAA Space 2005 Meeting. Aug. 30-Sep. 2. Long Beach, CA
R. S. McCann, J. W. McCandless, & B. R. Hilty (2005) Automating Vehicle Operations in Next-Generation Spacecraft: Human Factors Issue, Proceedings of the AIAA Space 2005 Conference
V. A. Huemer, M. . Hayashi, F. . Renema, S. P. Elkins, J. W. McCandless, & R. S. McCann (2005) Characterizing Scan Patterns in a Spacecraft Cockpit Simulator: Expert vs. Novice Performance, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting. Sep. 26-30. Orlando, FL. 83-87
M. . Lien, R. S. McCann, E. D. Ruthruff, & R. W. Proctor (2005) Confirming and disconfirming theories about ideomotor compatibility in dual-task performance: Reply to Greenwald, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 31, 226-229
M. . Lien, R. S. McCann, E. D. Ruthruff, & R. W. Proctor (2005) Dual-task performance with Ideomotor Compatible Tasks: Is the central processing bottleneck intact, bypassed, or shifted in locus?, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 31, 122-145
M. . Hayashi, V. A. Huemer, F. . Renema, S. P. Elkins, J. W. McCandless, & R. S. McCann (2005) Effects of the Space Shuttle Cockpit Avionics Upgrade on Crewmember Performance and Situation Awareness, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting. Sep. 26-30. Orlando, FL. 54-58
J. W. McCandless, R. S. McCann, K. W. Berumen, S. S. Gauvain, V. J. Palmer, W. D. Stahl, & A. S. Hamilton (2005) Evaluation of the Space Shuttle Cockpit Avionics Upgrade (CAU) Displays, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting. Sep. 26-30. Orlando, FL. 10-14
V. A. Huemer, M. P. Matessa, & R. S. McCann (2005) Fault Management during Dynamic Phases of Spacecraft Flight: Effects of Cockpit Display Format and Workload.
V. A. Huemer, M. P. Matessa, & R. S. McCann (2005) Fault Management during Dynamic Spacecraft Flight: Effects of Cockpit Display Format and Workload, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
M. . Hayashi, B. R. Beutter, & R. S. McCann (2005) Hidden Markov Model Analysis for Space Shuttle Crewmembers’ Scanning Behavior, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
R. S. McCann, & L. . Spirkovska (2005) Human Factors of Integrated Systems Health Management on Next-Generation Spacecraft, To appear in Proceedings of the 1st International Forum on Integrated Systems Health Engineering and Management Conference, Napa, California
J. W. McCandless, B. R. Hilty, & R. S. McCann (2005) New displays for the space shuttle cockpit, Ergonomics In Design, 13: 15-20.
J. C. Johnston, & R. S. McCann (2005) On the locus of dual-task interference: Is there a bottleneck at the stimulus identification stage?, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
R. S. McCann, & J. W. McCandless (2003) Human-Machine Teaming for Dynamic Fault Management in Next-Generation Launch Vehicles, In Proceedings of the Joint Army-Navy-NASA-Air Force (JANNAF) 3rd Modeling and Simulation Subcommittee Meeting. Colorado Springs, CO
R. S. McCann, & J. W. McCandless (2003) Human-machine teaming for dynamic fault management in next-generation launch vehicles, Proceedings of the Joint Army-Navy-NASA-Air Force 3rd Modeling and Simulation Meeting, Colorado Springs, FL, Dec 1-5
M. . Lien, R. S. McCann, E. D. Ruthruff, & R. W. Proctor (2003) Processing limitations in dual-task performance: Are, Presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society, New Orleans, LA
J. W. McCandless, R. S. McCann, & B. R. Hilty (2003) Upgrades to the caution and warning system of the space shuttle., McCandless J, McCann R and Hilty B (2003) Upgrades to the caution and warning system of the space shuttle. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting, 16-20.
P. A. Allen, M. . Lien, M. D. Murphy, R. E. Sanders, K. . Judge, & R. S. McCann (2002) Age differences in overlapping-task performance: Evidence for efficient parallel processing in older adults, Psychology and Aging
J. W. McCandless, & R. S. McCann (2002) Development of New Displays for the Cockpit of the Space Shuttle, IBM 6th Annual Make Information Technology (IT) Easy 2002 Conference
E. . Hazeltine, R. S. McCann, & M. . Lien (2002) Task management in the PRP Paradigm: Effects of task switching and task foreknowledge, Presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society, New Orleans, LA
R. S. McCann, & J. W. McCandless (2002) Toward a crew-system concept for real-time fault management in next-generation aerospace vehicles, In Proceedings of the Joint Army-Navy-NASA-Air Force (JANNAF) 2nd Modeling and Simulation Subcommitte Meeting
R. S. McCann, & J. W. McCandless (2002) Toward a crew-system concept for vehicle health management in next generation spacecraft, Presented at the Joint Army-Navy_NASA-Air Force 2nd annual modelling and simulation subcommittee meeting, Sandestin, FL
R. S. McCann, & K. M. Jones (2001) Depicting wire hazards on moving map displays: A test of two formats, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology
R. S. McCann, & J. W. McCandless (2001) Human factors challenges in the design of next generation spacecraft, Presented at the 2001 Human. Systems Conference, Houston TX
R. S. McCann, & J. W. McCandless (2001) Human factors issues in the design of next-generation spacecraft, Human.Systems 2001. Houston, TX
R. S. McCann, & R. W. Remington (2001) Task-switching interference and PRP interference: Similarities and Differences, Invited presentation at the Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science, Banff, Alberta, Canada
R. S. McCann, R. W. Remington, & M. . Van Selst (2000) A dual-task investigation of automaticity in visual word-processing, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 26, 1352-1370
R. S. McCann, D. C. Foyle, B. L. Hooey, & A. . Andre (2000) Pilot interactions with an electronic display suite to support low-visibility taxi, In Countering the Directed Energy Threat: Are Closed Cockpits the Ultimate Answer? NATO- Research and Technology Organization Meeting Proceedings 30, pp. 17-1-13
J. . Stolz, & R. S. McCann (2000) Re-attending to the role of spatial attention in visual word processing, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 26, 1320-1331
R. S. McCann, R. W. Remington, & C. L. Folk (2000) Task expectancy effects and task interference effects: Similarities and differences, Presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society, New Orleans, LA
M. L. Atkins, D. C. Foyle, B. L. Hooey, & R. S. McCann (1999) Head-up display symbology for surface operations: Comparisons among scene-linked symbology sets for optimum turn navigation., Atkins, M.L., Foyle, D. C., Hooey, B. L., & McCann, R. S., (1999). Head-up display symbology for surface operations: Comparisons among scene-linked symbology sets for optimum turn navigation. In R. S. Jensen, B. Cox, J. D. Callister, & R.Lavis (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 2 , 784-790. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University.
R. S. McCann, D. C. Foyle, & B. L. Hooey (1999) Pilot interactions with a display suite to support low-visibility taxi operations, Presented at the RTA/HFM conference on directed energy threats, Tekirova, Turkey
R. S. McCann, D. C. Foyle, B. L. Hooey, & A. . Andre (1999) Pilot interactions with an electronic display suite to support low-visibility taxi, NATO Research and Technology Agency Conference Proceedings, Human Factors & Medicine Panel Third Symposium, 17:1 - 17:13
B. K. Parke, B. G. Kanki, R. S. McCann, & B. L. Hooey (1999) The effects of advanced navigation aids on crew roles and communication in ground taxi., Parke, B., Kanki, B., McCann, R. S., & Hooey, B. (1999). The effects of advanced navigation aids on crew roles and communication in ground taxi. In R. S. Jensen, B.Cox, J. D. Callister, & R. Lavis(Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 804-809. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University.
R. S. McCann, R. W. Remington, & C. L. Folk (1999) When Tasks Collide: Effects of Task Preparation on Task Processing, Presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Los Angeles, CA
R. S. McCann, B. L. Hooey, B. K. Parke, D. C. Foyle, A. . Andre, & B. G. Kanki (1998) An evaluation of the T-NASA system in full mission simulation, Presented at the World Aviation Congress, Los Angeles, CA
R. S. McCann, B. L. Hooey, B. K. Parke, D. C. Foyle, A. . Andre, & B. G. Kanki (1998) An evaluation of the Taxiway Navigation and Situation Awareness (T-NASA) system in high-fidelity simulation, SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace, 107, 1612-1625
R. S. McCann, B. L. Hooey, B. K. Parke, D. C. Foyle, A. . Andre, & B. G. Kanki (1998) An evaluation of the Taxiway Navigation and Situation Awareness (T-NASA) system in high-fidelity simulation, Proceedings of the AIAA/SAE World Aviation Congress. SAE International: Warrendale, PA
A. . Andre, B. L. Hooey, D. C. Foyle, & R. S. McCann (1998) Field evaluation of T-NASA: Taxiway navigation and situation awareness system, Proceedings of the AIAA/IEEE/SAE 17th Digital Avionics System Conference, 47:1 - 47:8
A. . Andre, B. L. Hooey, D. C. Foyle, & R. S. McCann (1998) Field evaluation of T-NASA: Taxi navigation and situation awareness system, Proceedings of the AIAA/IEEE/SAE 17th Digital Avionics System Conference, 47, pp. 1-8
J. L. Levy, D. C. Foyle, & R. S. McCann (1998) Performance benefits with scene-linked HUD symbology: An attentional phenomenon?, Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, 11-15. Santa Monica, CA: HFES
J. L. Levy, D. C. Foyle, & R. S. McCann (1998) Performance benefits with scene-linked symbology: An attentional phenomenon?, in Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42nd annual meeting
R. S. McCann, & J. . Stolz (1998) Re-attending to the role of visual attention in visual word recognition, Presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Dallas, TX
S. G. Sheldon, D. C. Foyle, & R. S. McCann (1997) Effects of scene-linked symbology on flight performance, Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, 294-298. Santa Monica, CA: HFES
A. . Andre, D. A. Graeber, R. S. McCann, & D. C. Foyle (1997) Electronic navigation display for aircraft surface operations, Paper presented at the 1997 World Aviation Congress, Anaheim, CA, Oct
R. S. McCann, A. . Andre, D. R. Begault, D. C. Foyle, & E. M. Wenzel (1997) Enhancing ground taxi performance under low visibility: are electronic moving maps enough?, Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 41st Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, 37-41
R. S. McCann, A. . Andre, D. R. Begault, D. C. Foyle, & E. M. Wenzel (1997) Enhancing Taxi Performance under low visibility: Are moving maps enough?, Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, 37-41. Santa Monica, CA: HFES
R. S. McCann, A. . Andre, D. R. Begault, D. C. Foyle, & E. M. Wenzel (1997) Enhancing taxi performance under low visibility: Are moving maps enough?, Proceedings of the 41st annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society (pp. 37-41)
R. S. McCann, & K. . Jordan (1997) The distribution of attention across the elements of complex visual displays, Presented at the 38th annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Philadelphia PA
A. . Andre, V. . Battiste, & R. S. McCann (1996) Advanced navigation aids in the flight deck, Presented at the World Aviation Congress, Los Angeles CA
R. S. McCann, D. C. Foyle, A. . Andre, & V. . Battiste (1996) Advanced navigation aids in the flight deck: Effects on ground taxi performance under low-visibility conditions, SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace, 105, 1419-1430
R. S. McCann, D. C. Foyle, A. . Andre, & V. . Battiste (1996) Advanced navigation aids in the flight deck: Effects on ground taxi performance under low-visibility conditions, (Paper 965552) Proceedings of the AIAA/SAE World Aviation Congress. SAE International: Warrendale, PA
V. . Battiste, M. . Downs, & R. S. McCann (1996) Advanced taxi map display design for low-visibility operations, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 40th annual meeting (pp. 997-1001)
R. S. McCann, & D. C. Foyle (1996) Scene-linked symbology to enhance situation awareness, In Situation Awareness: Limitations and Enhancement in the Aviation Environment. AGARD CP # 575, 16:1-16:11
J. C. Johnston, R. S. McCann, & R. W. Remington (1996) Selective attention operates at two processing loci, In A. Kramer (Ed.), Converging operations in the study of visual attention (pp. 438-459)
D. C. Foyle, A. . Andre, R. S. McCann, E. M. Wenzel, D. R. Begault, & V. . Battiste (1996) Taxiway Navigation and Situation Awareness (T-NASA) System: Problem, design philosophy and description of an integrated display suite for low-visibility airport surface operations, SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace, 105, 1411-1418
D. C. Foyle, A. . Andre, R. S. McCann, E. M. Wenzel, D. R. Begault, & V. . Battiste (1996) Taxiway Navigation and Situation Awareness (T-NASA) system: Problem, design philosophy, and description of an integrated display suite for low-visibility airport surface operations, Proceedings of the SAE/AIAA World Aviation Congress, paper 96555, SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace, 105, 1411-1418.
D. C. Foyle, R. S. McCann, & S. G. Sheldon (1995) Attentional issues with superimposed symbology: Formats for scene-linked displays, In R.S. Jensen & L.A. Rakovan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 98-103. Columbus: Ohio State University
D. C. Foyle, R. S. McCann, & S. . Shelden (1995) Attentional issues with superimposed symbology: Formats for scene-linked displays, In R. S. Jensen & L. A. Rakovan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (pp. 98-103). Columbus: Ohio State University
J. C. Johnston, R. S. McCann, & R. W. Remington (1995) Chronometric evidence for two types of attention, Psychological Science, 6, 365-369
R. S. McCann, & D. C. Foyle (1995) Scene-linked symbology to enhance situation awareness, Presented at the NATO-AGARD conference on Situation Awareness, Brussels, Belgium
R. S. McCann, & D. C. Foyle (1995) Scene-linked symbology to improve situation awareness, AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 575, Aerospace Medical Panel Conference on Situation Awareness, 16:1-16:11
R. S. McCann, D. C. Foyle, & J. C. Johnston (1994) Is perceptual grouping implicated in attentional selection? It depends, Presented at the 35th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, Missouri
R. S. McCann, D. C. Foyle, & J. C. Johnston (1994) Serial and parallel processing across perceptual groups, Paper presented at the 35th Meeting of the Psychonomics Society, St. Louis MO, Nov
R. S. McCann, & D. C. Foyle (1994) Superimposed symbology: Attentional problems and design solutions, (Paper 942111). SAE SP-1051: Conference Proceedings of the SAE Aerotech '94 Meeting, 43-50. SAE International: Warrendale, PA
R. S. McCann, & D. C. Foyle (1994) Superimposed symbology: Attentional problems and design solutions, SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace, 103, 2009-2016
R. S. McCann, & D. C. Foyle (1994) Superimposed Symbology: Attentional problems and design solutions, Presented at Aerotech 94, Los Angeles, CA
D. C. Foyle, & R. S. McCann (1993) Attentional effects with superimposed symbology, Proceedings of the Flight-Worthy Helmet Mounted Display (HMDs) and Symbology for Helicopters Workshop, 501 - 523. Moffett Field, CA: Army AFDD
D. C. Foyle, R. S. McCann, B. . Sanford, & M. F.J. Schwirzke (1993) Attentional effects with superimposed symbology: Implications for head-up displays (HUD)., Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 37th Annual Meeting, 1340-1344. Santa Monica, CA: HFES
D. C. Foyle, R. S. McCann, B. . Sanford, & M. F. Schwirzke (1993) Attentional effects with superimposed symbology: Implications for Head-Up Displays (HUD), In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 37th Annual Meeting, 2, 1340-1345
R. S. McCann, D. C. Foyle, & J. C. Johnston (1993) Attentional limitations with head-up displays, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 70-75. Columbus: Ohio State University
R. S. McCann, D. C. Foyle, & J. C. Johnston (1993) Attentional limits with Head-Up Displays, Presented at the Seventh international conference on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH
B. . Sanford, D. C. Foyle, R. S. McCann, & K. . Jordan (1993) Head-up displays: Effect of information location on the processing of superimposed symbology, In R.S. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 81-87. Columbus: Ohio State University
B. . Sanford, D. C. Foyle, R. S. McCann, & K. . Jordan (1993) Head-up displays: Effect of information location on the processing of superimposed symbology, In R. Jensen & D. Neumeister (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 1, 81-88
R. S. McCann, J. M. Lynch, D. C. Foyle, & J. C. Johnston (1993) Modeling attentional effects with head-up displays, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 37th Annual Meeting, 1345-1349. Santa Monica, CA: HFES
A. . Andre, S. T. Heers, R. S. McCann, & P. . Cashion (1993) Preview and practice: Effects on scheduling behavior in a simulated flight task, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 37th annual meeting (pp. 132-136)
R. S. McCann, J. C. Johnston, D. C. Foyle, & J. M. Lynch (1993) Shifting attention between visual domains: Evidence from head-up displays, Paper presented at the 34th Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Washington, DC, Nov
R. S. McCann, J. C. Johnston, D. C. Foyle, & J. M. Lynch (1993) Shifting attention between visual domains: Evidence from Head-Up Displays, Presented at the 34th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Washington, D. C
R. S. McCann, J. C. Johnston, & R. W. Remington (1992) Dissociative effects of two different attentional manipulations: Evidence for two attentional bottlenecks, Presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society, St. Louis, Missouri
R. S. McCann, & J. C. Johnston (1992) Locus of the single-channel bottleneck in dual-task interference, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18, 471-484
R. S. McCann, C. L. Folk, & J. C. Johnston (1992) The role of spatial attention in visual word processing, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18, 1015-1029
R. S. McCann, C. L. Folk, & R. W. Remington (1991) Are the attentional demands of word recognition modulated by word frequency?, Presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behavior and Cognitive Science, Calgary ALTA
D. C. Foyle, B. . Sanford, & R. S. McCann (1991) Attentional issues in superimposed flight symbology, In R.S. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 577-582. Columbus: Ohio State University
C. L. Folk, R. S. McCann, & R. W. Remington (1991) Can task preparation function as a single channel bottleneck?, Presented at the second annual conference on recent advances in the analysis of attention. University of California - Davis, Davis, CA
D. C. Foyle, R. S. McCann, & B. . Sanford (1991) Superimposed information displays: Attentional deficits and potential solutions, Paper presented at the 32nd Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, CA, Nov
R. S. McCann, C. L. Folk, & R. W. Remington (1991) When tasks collide: How does preparing for one task affect performance on another?, Presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, CA
D. . Besner, L. . Twilley, R. S. McCann, & K. . Seergobin (1990) On the association between connectionism and data: Are a few words necessary?, Psychological Review, 97, 432-446
R. S. McCann, C. L. Folk, & J. C. Johnston (1990) The role of spatial attention in visual word recognition, Presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, Ontario
R. S. McCann, C. L. Folk, & J. C. Johnston (1989) Spatial attention and word recognition, Presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Reno, NV
R. S. McCann, & J. C. Johnston (1989) The locus of processing bottlenecks in the overlapping tasks paradigm, Presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Atlanta GA
R. S. McCann, & J. C. Johnston (1988) Parallel processing in the overlapping tasks paradigm, Presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL
R. S. McCann, D. . Besner, & E. . Davelaar (1988) Word recognition and identification: Do word frequency effects reflect lexical access?, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 14, 693-706
R. S. McCann, D. . Besner, & E. . Davelaar (1987) Lexical access without word frequency effects in lexical decision, Presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, B.C
R. S. McCann, & D. . Besner (1987) Reading Pseudohomophones: Implications for models of pronunciation assembly and the locus of word-frequency effects in naming, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 13, 14-24
D. . Besner, & R. S. McCann (1987) Word frequency effects and pattern distortion in visual word identification and production: An examination of four classes of models, In M. Coltheart (Ed.), Attention and Performance XII: The Psychology of Reading. New Jersey: Erlbaum
R. S. McCann, & D. . Besner (1986) On the locus of word frequency effects in visual word recognition: A new interpretation, Presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ONT
R. S. McCann, & D. . Besner (1985) The locus of word-frequency effects in word naming and production: a new interpretation, Presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL