Walter W. Johnson
Research Psychologist
Phone: 650-604-3667
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Walter W. Johnson, PhD
Human Systems Integration Division (TH)
Mail Stop 262-2
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035
650 604-3667 (phone)
650 604-0255 (fax)
Flight Deck Displays Group Web Page
Ohio State University Ph.D., March 1986
Illinois State University M.A,. December 1977
Illinois State University B.A,. December 1973
Patent for "Cueing Light Configuration for Aircraft Navigation" granted to
Inventors: Mary K. Kaiser and Walter W. Johnson
(2005) NASA Group Achievement Award, Joint Ames/Langley Distributed Air/Ground-Traffic Management Simulation Team Simulation Team
(2005) Privately Sponsored, 2005 Robert J. Collier Award
(2004) Software Release Award, Pulse Predictor for Traffic Display (part of CDTI- Cockpit Displays of Traffic Information Software Suite)
(2004) Software Release Award, Flight-Deck Based Flight Plan Modification Tool (part of CDTI- Cockpit Displays of Traffic Information Software Suite)
(2004) AMES Honor Award, Ames/Langley DAG-TM Simulation Team
(2004) NASA Group Achievement Award - High-Speed Research External Visibility System Team
(2000) AMES Group Achievement Award, Distributed Air/Ground-Traffic Management Planning Team
(1995) Ames Honor Award - Mentor
(1993) NASA Group Achievement Award - NASA Team Award for work on “Arabian Lights” terrain avoidance project
Johnson, W., Bilimoria, K., Thomas, L., Lee, H., Liao, M., and Battiste, V. (2006) Comparison of Pilot and Automation Generated Conflict Resolutions. Draft to be submitted to the AIAA GNC Journal
Johnson, W.W., Battiste, V., and Holland, S. (2000) A cockpit display designed to enable limited flight deck separation responsibility. SAE Transactions - Journal of Aerospace. 108 (1).
Johnson, W.W., Battiste, V., Delzell, S., Holland, S., Belcher, S. Jordan, K. (1998). Development and Demonstration of a Prototype Free Flight Cockpit Display of Traffic Information. SAE Transactions - Journal of Aerospace. 106 (1).
Johnson, W.W., Andre, A.D., & Kruk, R.V. (1993). Visual cues in flight simulation: An evaluation of stereo effectiveness. SAE Transactions - Journal of Aerospace. 1081(1)..
Johnson, W.W., and Kaiser, M.K. (1990). Editors of the Proceedings of the 1989 NASA Summer Workshop on the Visually Guided Control of Movement, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.
Johnson, W.W. & Phatak, A.V. (1990). Modeling the pilot in visually controlled flight. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 10, 24-26.
Johnson, W.W., Tsang, P.S., Bennett, C.T., & Phatak, A.V. (1989). The visual control of simulated altitude. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 60, 152-156.
Battiste, V. and Johnson, W.W. (1999). Development of a Cockpit Situation Display for Free-Flight. SAE Transactions - Journal of Aerospace. 107 (1)..
Boltz, M., Marshburn, B., Jones, M., and Johnson, W. (1985) Serial pattern structure and temporal order recognition. Perception and Psychophysics, 37, 209-217.
Jagacinski, R. J., Johnson, W.W., & Miller, R. A. (1983). Quantifying the cognitive trajectories of extrapolated movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 9, 43-57.
Kaiser, M. & Johnson, W. W. (2003). How now, broad tau? In H. Hecht & G. J. P. Savelsbergh (Eds.), Theories of Time to Contact. North-Holland Publishers.
Liao, M. & Johnson, W. W. (2004). Characterizing the effects of droplines on target acquisition performance on a 3-D perspective display. Human Factors, 46, 476-96.
Miller, R.A., Jagacinski, R.J., Nalavade, R.B., & Johnson, W.W. (1982) A finite-state description of coordination in a two-handed target acquisition task. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC-12, 529-538.
Tsang, P.S. & Johnson, W.W. (1989). Automation: Changes in cognitive demand and mental workload. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 60, 130-135.
Johnson, W. W, Liao, M., and Granada, S. (2005). Effects of Symbol Brightness Cueing on Attention During a Visual Search of a Cockpit Display of Traffic Information. To appear in the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society's 49th Annual Meeting, Orlando, F.
Johnson, W. W., Battiste, V., Granada, S., Johnson, N., Dao, A. Q., Wong, D., & Tang, A. (2005). A simulation evaluation of a human-centered approach to flight deck procedures and automation for en route free maneuvering. In the Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK
Johnson, W. W., Liao, M., Granada, S., & Jordan, K. (2003). Sensitivity and Bias in searches of Cockpit display of traffic information utilizing highlighting/lowlighting. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, Ohio.
Johnson, W., Bilimoria, K., Thomas, L., Lee., & Battiste, V. (2003). Comparison of pilot and automation generated conflict resolutions. Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, Austin, TX.
Johnson, W. W., Liao, M., Granada, S., & Jordan, K. (2003). Sensitivity and Bias in searches of Cockpit display of traffic information utilizing highlighting/lowlighting. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, Ohio.
Johnson, W. W., Liao, M. & Granada, S. (2002) Effects of Symbol Brightness Cueing on Attention During a Visual Search of a Cockpit Display of Traffic Information. Presented at and in the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 46rd Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Johnson, W. W. & Duley, J. (2002) Practical Human Factors Issues in the Design of a Cockpit Display of Traffic Information for Distributed Air-Ground Operations. Presentation at the IAIPT J12 Technical Interchange Meeting, February 5-6, 2002, Washington, DC.
Johnson, W. W., Liao, M., and Tse, S. (1999). The effect of symbology location and format on attentional deployment within a cockpit display of traffic information. In the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 43rd Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas.
Johnson, W. W. & Kaiser, M. K. (1996). Virtual windows for vehicle simulation. Proceedings of the 1996 IMAGE Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Johnson, W. W., and Kaiser, M. K. (1995). Perspective imagery in synthetic scenes used to control and guide aircraft during landing and taxi: Some issues and concerns. In Jacques G. Verly (Ed.), Synthetic Vision for Vehicle Guidance and Control, Proc. SPIE 2463, 194-205 (1995).
Johnson, W. W. and Schroeder, J. A. (1995). Visual-motion cueing in the control of altitude. Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October, 1995.
Johnson, W.W. & Awe., C.A. (1993). Use of optical edge and optical flow rate infomration in the perception and control of ground velocity. In the Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, Ohio, 1993.
Johnson, W. W., & Andre, A. D. (1993). Visual cueing aids to rotocraft landings. In C. L. Blanken, J. V. Lebacqz, R. H. Stroub, & M. S. Whalley (Eds.), Proceedings of piloting vertical flight aircraft: A conference on flying qualities and human factors (pp. 4.1 - 4.20). San Francisco, California: American Helicopter Society/NASA.
Johnson, W.W. (1993). An integration of the ecological and engineering approaches to control of locomotion. In the Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Event Perception and Action, p. 109, Vancouver, Canada.
Johnson, W.W., Andre, A.D., & Kruk, R.V. (1992). Visual cues in flight simulation: An evaluation of stereo effectivenss. In the Proceedings of the SAE Aerotech '92 Conference, Anaheim, CA.
Johnson, W.W., and Phatak, A.V. (1990) Modeling human visuo-motor strategy in vehicle control. Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, Los Angeles, CA.
Johnson, W.W., and Kaiser, M.K. (1990). Editors of the Proceedings of the 1989 NASA Summer Workshop on the Visually Guided Control of Movement, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.
Johnson, W.W., & Phatak, A.V. (1989). Optical variables and control strategy used in a visual hover task. In the Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, Cambridge, MA.
Johnson, W.W., & Hart, S.G. (1987). Step Tracking Shrinking Targets. In the Proceedings of 31st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, 1987, New York, New York.
Johnson, W.W., Tsang, P.S., Bennett, C.T., and Phatak, A.V. (1987). The visual control of simulated altitude. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Aviation Psychology, (pp. 216-222), Columbus, Ohio.
Andre, A. D. & Johnson, W. W. (1992). Stereo effectiveness evaluation for precision hover tasks in a helmet-mounted display simulator. In the Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Chicago, IL.
Awe, C.A. & Johnson, W.W. (1993). The effect of scene content on speed, time, and distance perception. In the Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, Ohio.
Awe, W.W. & Johnson, W.W. (1991). Time estimation in flight. In the Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 560-565. Columbus: Ohio State University, Department of Aviation.
Awe, C. A., Johnson, W. W., & Schmitz, F. (1989). Inflexibility in selecting the optical basis for perceiving speed. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, 2, 1440-1444.
Barhydt, R., Kopardekar, P., Battiste, V., Doble, N., Johnson, W., Lee, P., and Smith, N. (2005). Joint NASA Ames/Langley experimental evaluation of integrated air/ground operations for en route free maneuvering. To be presented at 6th USA/Europe ATM R&D Seminar, Baltimore, ML, June 2005.
Battiste, V., Palmer, E., Johnson, W., Smith, N., Prevot, T., Mercer, J., Granada, S., Johnson, N., Dao, Q., & Lee, P. (2005). Human centered decision support tools for arrival merging and spacing. In the Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK
Battiste, V., Johnson, W., Kopardekar, P., Lozito, S., Mogford, R., Palmer, E., Prevot, T., Sacco, N., Shelden, S., & Smith, N. (2002). Distributed Air/Ground Traffic Management –Technology and Concept Demonstration Report. Presented at and in the Proceedings of the 2002 AIAA Aircraft Technology, Operations and Integration Forum, Los Angeles, CA.
Battiste, V., Johnson, W.W., and Holland, S. (2001). Enabling Strategic Flight Deck Route Re-Planning Within A Modified ATC Environment: The Display of 4-D Intent Information on a CSD. Proceeding of the 2000 SAE World Aviation Congress and Exposition, San Diego, CA.
Bennett, C.T., Johnson, W.W., Perrone, J.A., & Phatak, A.V. (1989). Synthetic perspective optical flow: Influence on pilot control task. In the Proceedings of the Spatial Displays and Spatial Instruments Conference and Workshop (NASA CP-10032, pp. 40-1 - 40-9). Washington, D.C.
Callantine, T., Prevot, T., Battiste, V., & Johnson, W. (2003). Agent-based support for distributed air/ground traffice management simulation research. Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, Austin, TX.
Canton, R., Refai, M., Johnson, W., & Battiste, V. (2005). Development and integration of human-centered conflict detection and resolution tools for airborne autonomous operations. In the Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK
Chung, W.W., Schroeder, J.A., and Johnson, W.W. (1997) Effects of Vehicle Bandwidth and Visual Spatial-Frequency on Simulation Cueing Synchronization Requirements, AIAA Paper 97-3655, AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Comerford. D. & Johnson, W. W. (2003) A Virtual Workspace. Paper submitted to Human Factors and Ergonomics Magazine.
Corker, K.M., Foyle, D. and Johnson, W. (1999). Critical Component. (1999). Flight Deck International. With D. Foyle and Walter Johnson. September.
Delzell, S., Johnson, W., and Liao, M. (1998). Pilots’ Spatial Mental Models for Memory of Heading and Altitude. In the Proceedings of the 17th Digital Avionics System Conference, Bellevue, Washington.
Granada, S., Dao, A. Q., Wong, W., Johnson, W. W., & Battiste, V. (2005). Development and integration of a human-centered volumetric cockpit display for distributed air-ground operations. In the Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK
Johnson, N. H., Canton, R., Battiste, V., & Johnson, W. W. (2005). Distributed ari/ground traffic management en-route free maneuvering rules of the road: requirements and implementation for a simulation of en-route self-seperation. In the Proceedings of International Symposium on Aviation Psychology.: Oklahoma City, OK.
Kaiser, M.K., Johnson, W.W., Mowafy, M., Hennessy, R.T., & Matsumoto, J.A. (1992). Visual augmentation for night flight over featureless terrain. In the Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 48th Annual Forum, 1, 275-280. Washington, D.C., June.
Kopardekar, P., Battiste, V., Johnson, W., Smith, N., Palmer, E., Barhydt, R., Palmer, M., Wing, D., Lee, P., Prevot, T., Mercer, J., Mafera, P., Hitt, J., Doble, N., and D’Arcy, J. F. (2004). Distributed Air-Ground Traffic Management Concept Element 5: En Route Free Maneuvering Joint Ames/Langley Experimental Evaluation of Integrated Air/Ground En Route Operations. (Milestone Report 8.503.7 Deliverable Submitted to the AATT Project Office).
Kopardekar, P., Battiste, V., Johnson, W., Mogford, R., Palmer, E., Smith, N., D’Arcy, J., Helbing, K., Mafera, P., Lee, P., Mercer, J., Prevot, T., & Shelden, S. (2003). Distributed air/ground traffic management: Results of preliminary human-in-the-loop simulation. Proceedings of the 22nd Digital Avionics Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Laudeman, I.V. & Johnson, W.W. (1993). Situational awareness: Passive observation and active control. In the Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Event Perception and Action, p. 340. Vancouver, Canada.
Lee, P. U., D'Arcy, J. F., Mafera, P., Smith, N., Battiste, V., Johnson, W., Mercer, J., Palmer, E. A., Prevot, T. (2004). “Trajectory Negotiation via Data Link: Evaluation of Human-in-the-loop Simulation.” International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aeronautics, Toulouse, France.
Lee, P, Mercer, J., Martin, L., Prevot, T, Shelden, S., Verma, S. Battiste, V., Johnson, W., Mogford, R., Palmer, E., & Smith, N. (2003). Free maneuvering, trajectory negotiation, and self-spacing concepts in distributed air-ground management. Proceedings of the 5th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar, Budapest, Hungary.
Liao, M.. & Johnson, W. W. (2002) The effects of monocular cues on a 3-D target acquisition task. Presented at and in the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 46rd Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Liao, M and Johnson, W. W. (2001) Effects of transformed visual-motor spatial mappings and droplines on 3-D target acquisition strategy and performance. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45rd Annual Meeting, Minneapoli, Minnesota.
Livack, G., McDaniel, J., Battiste, V, & Johnson, W. (1999). Human factors considerations in automatic dependent surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) flight operations. In the Proceedings of ICAO's Fourth Global Flight Safety and Human Factors Symposium, Santiago, Chile, April 12-15, 1999.
Owen, D. H., & Johnson, W. W. (1992). An information -based approach to simulation research. In Feik, R. A. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Future Directions in Simulation Workshop. Melbourne, Australia: Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Aircraft Systems Division.
Prevot, T., Callantine, T., Lee, P., Mercer, J., Battiste, V., Johnson, W., Palmer, E., and Smith, N. (In-press). Co-operative Air Traffic Management: A Technology Enabled Concept for the Next Generation Air Transportation System. To be presented at 6th USA/Europe ATM R&D Seminar, Baltimore, ML, June 2005.
Prevot, T., Shelden, S., Palmer, E., Johnson, W., Battiste, V., Smith, N., Callantine, T., Lee, P., & Mercer, J. (2003). Distributed air/ground traffic management simulation: Results, progress, plans. Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, Austin, TX.
Riley, V. Sierra, E., Chatterji, G., Mogford, R., Johnson, W., Kopardekar, P., and Lawton, G. (2005). Pilots, airspace complexity, and strategic conflict avoidance. In the Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK
Riley, R., Sierra, E., Johnson, W., Mogford, R., Kopardekar, P. Chatterji, G, & Lawton, G. (2003). Pilot perceptions of airspace complexity. Proceedings of the 22nd Digital Avionics Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Schroeder, J.A. & Johnson, W.W. (1996). Yaw Motion Cues in Helicopter Simulation, Paper No. 5, AGARD CP-577, Flight Simulation - Where are the Challenges?, Braunschweig, Germany, April, 1996
Schroeder, J.A., & Johnson, W.W. (1994). Vertical axis rotational motion cues in hovering flight simulation. Presented at the AIAA Flight Simulation Technologies Conference, August 1994, Scottsdate, AZ. AIAA 94-3432.
Smith, N., Lee, P., Prevôt, T., Mercer, J., Palmer, E., Battiste, V., and Johnson, W. (2004). A human-in-the-loop evaluation of air-ground trajectory negotiation, AIAA-2004-6260, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA.
Thomas, L. C. and Johnson, W.W. (2001) Evaluation of CDTI Dynamic Predictor Display Technology. In the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45rd Annual Meeting, Minneapoli, Minnesota.
Tsang, P.S. & Johnson, W.W. (1989). Automation: Changes in cognitive demand and mental workload. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 60, 130-135.
Johnson, W., and Battiste, V. Co-chairs. (2005). Distributed Air-Ground Management (DAG-TM) Systems and Procedures (Sessions 1 and 2). 2005 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK
Johnson, W., Battiste, V., Granada, S., Dao, Q., and Johnson, N. (2004). A Simulation Evaluation of a Human Centered Approach to Flight Deck Procedures and Automation for En Route Maneuvering. Presented a the NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Human Factors Symposium Moffett Field, CA, 19 October 2004
Johnson, W., Bilimoria, K., Thomas, L., Lee, H., and Battiste, V. (2004). Comparison of Pilot and Automation Generated Conflict Resolutions. Presented a the NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Human Factors Symposium Moffett Field, CA, 19 October 2004
Johnson, W. W., Liao, M., Granada, S., & Jordan, K. (2003). Sensitivity and Bias in searches of Cockpit display of traffic information utilizing highlighting/lowlighting. Presentation at the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, Ohio.
Johnson, W. (2003). Distributed air/ground traffic management (DAGTM) and future vision. Session chair, at the 22nd Digital Avionics Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Johnson, W., Bilimoria, K., Thomas, L., Lee., & Battiste, V. (2003). Comparison of pilot and automation generated conflict resolutions. Presentation at the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, Austin, TX.
Johnson, W., & Mogford, R. (2003). Distributed air/ground management. Presentation at the 22nd Digital Avionics Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Johnson, W., Battiste, V, Wickens, C, Endsley, M, Domino, D, Donovan, C., Shay, R., and Truitt, T. (2003). Organizer and chair of panel discussion “Situational Awareness Information on the Flight Deck: What is it, and what is it for?”, at the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, Ohio.
Johnson, W.W. (2002). User Directed Conflict Resolutions for Simple Two Aircraft Conflicts: Some Data and Issues Briefing to AFC branch of AF Division, June 3, 2002
Johnson, W.W., Thomas, L. & Battiste, V. (2001). An Evaluation of CDTI Dynamic Predictor Display Technology. Paper presented at the 2000 SAE World Aviation Congress and Exposition, San Diego, CA.
Johnson, W.W. (2000). A Cockpit Display Designed to Enable Limited Flight Deck Separation Responsibility. Presentation to Executive Steering Committee of AATT on CDTI work (Langley, VA)
Johnson, W.W. (2000). A Cockpit Display Designed to Enable Limited Flight Deck Separation Responsibility. Presentation to SAE Executive Committer on CDTI work (South Tahoe, CA)
Johnson, W. W. & Battiste, V. (1997) Cockpit situational awareness display concepts development: Overview. Presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology.
Johnson, W.W. and Schroeder, J.A. (1994, October). Visual and Motion Cueing in Altitude and Yaw Control. Poster presentation at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society.
Johnson, W.W. (1993, August). An integration of the ecological and engineering approaches to control of locomotion. In the Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Event Perception and Action, p. 109, Vancouver, Canada.
Johnson, W.W. (1993). Optical information in landing scenes. Paper presented at the Augemented Vision and Display Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, April.
Johnson, W.W., Kaiser, M.K., & Foyle, D.C. (1992). Beyond the cockpit: The visual world as a flight instrument. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, Miami Beach, FL, May.
Johnson, W.W. (1991). Scene related optical information potentially important for flight control. Paper presented at the NASA/FAA Helicopter Simulator Workshop, Santa Clara, CA, April.
Johnson, W.W., Kaiser, M.K., Perrone, J., & Awe, C.A. (1991). Vehicle orientation: The perception of surface slant and glideslope. Paper presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, Ohio, April.
Johnson, W.W. (1990, August) Methodological issues in the use of the XTAR Falcon simulator for rotorcraft research. Presented at the workshop on The Control of Self-Motion: Methodological Issues, Dayton, Ohio.
Johnson, W.W. (1989, October) The direct use of 2-D optical information for self-movement regulation. Paper presented in Viusally Guided Control of Self Motion panel at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Denver, Colorado.
Johnson, W.W., Bennett, C.T., O'Donnell, K., & Phatak, A. (1988). Optical variables useful in the active control of altitude. Paper presented at the The 23rd Annual Conference on Manual Control, Cambridge, MA.
Johnson, W.W. (1983, May). Correspondences between perception and extrapolation. Paper presented at The Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Battiste, V., Palmer, E., Johnson, W., Mercer, J., Granada, S., Johnson, N., Ptrevot, T., and Dao, Q. ((2004). Human Centered Decision Support Tools for Arrival Merging and Spacing. Presented a the NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Human Factors Symposium Moffett Field, CA, 19 October 2004
Battiste, V. & Johnson, W.W. (2002) Cockpit Situation Displays. Presentation to the Boeing Company’s Flight Deck of the Future group, May, 2002, Seattle, WA
Battiste, V., and Johnson, W.W. A transition to free flight. ASAS Technical Interchange Meeting, November 2000, Bretigny, France.
Bennett, C.T., Johnson, W.W., Braunstein, G.F., Flach, J.M., Wolpert, L., & Zacharias, G.L. (1988, November). Perspective Displays: The control of motion in 3-D space. Panel participant at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society.
Bennett, C.T., O'Donnell, K.A., & Johnson, W.W. (1988, June). Dynamic perspective displays and the control of tilt-rotor aircraft in simulated flight. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Forum of the American Heliocopter Society, Washington, D.C.
Bennett, C.T., Johnson, W.W., Perrone, J. & Phatak, A.V. (1987, August). Synthetic perspective optical flow: Influence on pilot control tasks. Paper presented at the Spatial Displays and Spatial Instruments Symposium and Workshop, Asilomar, California.
Bernstein, L.J., Kaiser, M.K., & Johnson, W.W. (March, 1997). Contingency of integrating multiple features as revealed by illusory conjunctions. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society.
Bernstein, L. J., Kaiser, M. K., & Johnson, W. W. (November, 1996). Illusory conjunctions of shape, color, and motion. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society.
Miller, R.A., Jagacinski, R.J., Nalavade, R.B., and Johnson, W.W. (1981, October). Plans and the structure of target acquisition behavior. Paper presented at The Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Rochester, New York.
Mowafy, L., Johnson, W.W., & Kaiser, M.K. (1991). Night flight over limited-feature terrains: The use of cueing lights for flight control. Poster presentation at the 35th Annual Human Factors Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, September.
Riley, R., Sierra, E., Johnson, W., Mogford, R., Kopardekar, P. Chatterji, G, & Lawton, G. (2003). Pilot perceptions of airspace complexity. Presented at the 22nd Digital Avionics Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Technical Reports
Johnson, W.W., Battiste, V., Delzell, S., Holland, S., Belcher, S. Jordan, K. (1998). Development and Demonstration of a Prototype Free Flight Cockpit Display of Traffic Information. NASA TM 2003-212273.
Johnson, W.W., Battiste, V., and Holland, S. (2003) A cockpit display designed to enable limited flight deck separation responsibility. NASA TM 2003-212261.
Johnson, W. W., Liao, M., & Granada, S. (2003). Effects of Symbol Brightness Cueing on Attention During a Visual Search of a Cockpit Display of Traffic Information. NASA TM 2003-212266.
Johnson, W. W., Liao, M., and Tse, S. (1999). The effect of symbology location and format on attentional deployment within a cockpit display of traffic information. NASA TM 2003-212264.
Johnson, W. W., Liao, M., Granada, S., & Jordan, K. (2003). Sensitivity and Bias in searches of Cockpit display of traffic information utilizing highlighting/lowlighting. NASA TM in preparation.
Johnson, W.W. and Awe, C.A. (1994). The selective use of functional optical variables in the control of forward speed. NASA TM 108849.
(2015) Ames Technology Award, Patent Application Award System for Providing a Real Time Audible Message to a Pilot
(2015) Ames Technology Award, Tech Brief Award for Real Time PIREPs Using Audio Twitter
(2014) Patent Application Initial Award, Predicted Weather Display and Decision Support Interface for the Flight Deck
(2014) NASA Group Achievement Award, Single Pilot Operations (SPO) Experiment Team
(2009) NASA Group Achievement Award, Integrated Testbed to Evaluate Concepts for Pilots, Controllers, and Automation Under
Nominal and Off-Nominal Conditions
(2008) Ames Honor Award, Trajectory Oriented Operations With Limited Delegation (TOOWilD)
(2005) NASA Group Achievement Award, Joint Ames/Langley Distributed Air/Ground-Traffic Management Simulation Team
(2005) Privately Sponsored, 2005 Robert J. Collier Award
(2004) Software Release Award, Pulse Predictor for Traffic Display (part of CDTI- Cockpit Displays of Traffic Information Software Suite)
(2004) Software Release Award, Flight-Deck Based Flight Plan Modification Tool (part of CDTI- Cockpit Displays of Traffic Information Software Suite)
(2004) Ames Honor Award, Ames/Langley Distributed Air/Ground Traffic Management Simulation Team
(2000) Ames Group Achievement Award, Distributed Air/Ground-Traffic Management Planning Team

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R. . Mogford, & W. W. Johnson (2023) The Viability of See and Avoid for Urban Air Mobility Operations, In Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium of Aviation Psychology (pp. [in press]). Rochester Institute of Technology
N. . Ho, W. W. Johnson, K. . Panesar, K. . Wakeland, G. G. Sadler, N. . Wilson, N. . Nguyen, J. B. Lachter, & S. L. Brandt (2017) Application of human-autonomy teaming to an advanced ground station for reduced crew operations, In 2017 IEEE/AIAA 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) (pp. 1-4). IEEE
G. G. Sadler, H. . Battiste, N. . Ho, L. . Hoffman, W. W. Johnson, R. J. Shively, J. B. Lyons, & D. . Smith (2016) Effects of transparency on pilot trust and agreement in the autonomous constrained flight planner, In 2016 IEEE/AIAA 35th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) (pp. 1-9). IEEE
S. V. Ligda, U. . Fischer, K. . Mosier, M. P. Matessa, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2015) Effectiveness of Advanced Collaboration Tools on Crew Communication in Reduced Crew Operations, Paper to appear in the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Los Angeles, CA
Q. . Dao, K. . Koltai, S. D. Cals, S. L. Brandt, J. B. Lachter, M. P. Matessa, D. . Smith, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2015) Evaluation of a recommender system for single-pilot operations, Paper to appear in the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Las Vegas, NV.
H. A. Cunningham, M. . Hallett, H. . Battiste, S. . Curtis, M. . Koltz, J. B. Lachter, S. L. Brandt, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2015) Examining Response Time-out Causes and Operator Responses to Additional Question Time-out probes, Paper to appear in the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Las Vegas, NV
S. L. Brandt, J. B. Lachter, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2015) Pilot Situation Awareness and Its Implications for Single Pilot Operations: Analysis of a Human-In-The-Loop Study, Paper to appear in the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Las Vegas, NV
K. . Koltai, N. . Ho, G. . Masequesmay, D. J. Niedober, M. . Skoog, W. W. Johnson, A. . Cacanindin, & J. B. Lyons (2014) An Extended Case Study Methodology for Investigating Influence of Cultural, Organizational, and Automation Factors on Human-Automation Trust, Proceedings of the ACM-CHI 2014 conference, Toronto, Canada, April 26-May 1, 2014.
K. D. Bilimoria, W. W. Johnson, & P. . Schutte (2014) Conceptual Framework for Single Pilot Operations, Paper presented at the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction in Aerospace, Santa Clara, CA, July 30 - Aug 1, 2014
D. J. Niedober, N. . Ho, G. . Masequesmay, K. . Koltai, M. . Skoog, A. . Cacanindin, W. W. Johnson, & J. B. Lyons (2014) Influence of Cultural, Organizational, and Automation Capability Factors on Human-Automation Trust: A Case Study of Auto-GCAS Engineers, Paper presented at the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Crete, Greece, June 22 - 27, 2014
K. . Koltai, N. . Ho, G. . Masequesmay, D. J. Niedober, A. . Cacanindin, W. W. Johnson, & J. B. Lyons (2014) Influence of Cultural, Organizational, and Automation Capability on Human Automation Trust: A Case Study of Auto-GCAS Experimental Test Pilots, Paper presented at the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction in Aerospace, Santa Clara, CA, July 30 - Aug 1, 2014
J. B. Lachter, S. L. Brandt, V. . Battiste, S. V. Ligda, M. P. Matessa, & W. W. Johnson (2014) Toward Single Pilot Operations: Developing a Ground Station, Proceedings of the HCI-AERO 2014 conference, Silicon Valley, California, July 30-August 1, 2014.
J. B. Lachter, V. . Battiste, M. P. Matessa, Q. . Dao, R. W. Koteskey, & W. W. Johnson (2014) Toward Single Pilot Operations: The Impact of the Loss of Non-verbal Communication on the Flight Deck, Proceedings of the HCI-AERO 2014 conference, Silicon Valley, California, July 30-August 1, 2014.
S. . Wu, R. . Luna, & W. W. Johnson (2013) Flight deck weather avoidance decision support: Implementation and evaluation, In Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2013 IEEE/AIAA 32nd (pp. 5A2-1-5A2-13)
D. A. Comerford-Roman, S. L. Brandt, J. B. Lachter, S. . Wu, R. . Mogford, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2013) NASA's single-pilot operations technical interchange meeting: Proceedings and findings, (NASA/CP-2013-216513). Moffett Field, CA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center
R. . O'Connor, Z. S. Roberts, J. . Ziccardi, R. W. Koteskey, J. B. Lachter, Q. . Dao, W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, K. L. Vu, & T. Z. Strybel (2013) Pre-study walkthrough with a commercial pilot for a preliminary single pilot operations experiment, 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
W. W. Johnson, J. B. Lachter, S. L. Brandt, R. W. Koteskey, Q. . Dao, J. M. Kraut, S. V. Ligda, & V. . Battiste (2012) An Evaluation of controller and pilot performance, workload, and acceptability under a nextgen concept for dynamic weather adapted arrival routing.
V. . Battiste, G. F. Lawton, J. B. Lachter, S. L. Brandt, R. W. Koteskey, Q. . Dao, J. M. Kraut, S. V. Ligda, & W. W. Johnson (2012) Comparison of controller and flight deck algorithm performance during interval management with dynamic arrival trees (STARS), 30th EAAP Conference, 24-28 Sep; Italy
R. W. Koteskey, S. . Wu, V. . Battiste, E. M. Wenzel, J. B. Lachter, D. R. Begault, J. H. Nguyen, M. S. Politowicz, & W. W. Johnson (2012) Enhanced Audio for NextGen Flight Decks, Proceedings from the 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2012
T. . Prevot, B. . Baxley, T. J. Callantine, W. W. Johnson, L. . Quon, J. . Robinson, & H. . Swenson (2012) NASA's ATM Technology Demonstration-1: Transitioning fuel efficient, high throughput arrival operations from simulation to reality, Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aerospace (HCI-Aero 2012), Brussels, September 2012
J. M. Kraut, T. E. Quinonez, S. . Wu, R. W. Koteskey, W. W. Johnson, & V. . Battiste (2012) StormGen: A Proposed Solution to Weather Simulation in NexGen Research, Proceedings from the 1st Annual Conference on Human Factors in Transportation
W. W. Johnson, J. B. Lachter, M. S. Feary, D. A. Comerford-Roman, V. . Battiste, & R. . Mogford (2012) Task Allocation for Single Pilot Operations: A Role for the Ground, HCI Aero 2012
L. C. Fern, R. J. Shively, & W. W. Johnson (2012) UAS Integration into the NAS: An Examination of Baseline Compliance in the Current Airspace System, Proceedings of the 2012 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Meeting
J. B. Lachter, V. . Battiste, R. W. Koteskey, Q. . Dao, S. L. Brandt, S. . Wu, S. V. Ligda, & W. W. Johnson (2011) Communication issues for near-term implementation of trajectory-based operations, Lessons from an air-ground human-in-the-loop simulation using FANS, ACARS, and voice
Q. . Dao, S. L. Brandt, L. P. Bacon, J. M. Kraut, J. H. Nguyen, K. . Minakata, H. . Raza, & W. W. Johnson (2011) Conflict Resolution Automation and Pilot Situation Awareness, In G. Salvendy & M. J. Smith (Eds.), Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interacting with Information (Vol. 6772, pp. 473-482)
S. . Wu, C. G. Duong, R. W. Koteskey, & W. W. Johnson (2011) Designing a Flight Deck Predictive Weather Forecast Interface Supporting Trajectory-Based Operations, Ninth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, ATM2011 (Paper 132), EUROCONTROL/FAA. Berlin, Germany, June 2011
S. L. Brandt, J. B. Lachter, Q. . Dao, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2011) Flight Deck Workload and Acceptability of Verbal and Digital Communication Protocols, In G. Salvendy & M. J. Smith (Eds.), Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interacting with Information (Vol. 6772, pp. 463-472). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
V. . Battiste, J. B. Lachter, S. V. Ligda, J. H. Nguyen, L. P. Bacon, R. W. Koteskey, & W. W. Johnson (2011) Is ACARS and FANS-1A Just Another Data Link to the Controller?, In G. Salvendy & M. J. Smith (Eds.), Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interacting with Information (Vol. 6772, pp. 453-462). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
J. B. Lachter, V. . Battiste, R. W. Koteskey, Q. . Dao, S. L. Brandt, S. V. Ligda, S. . Wu, & W. W. Johnson (2011) Issues for Near-Term Implementation of Trajectory Based Operations, Ninth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, ATM2011 (Paper 132), EUROCONTROL/FAA. Berlin, Germany, June 2011
S. . Wu, J. B. Lachter, W. W. Johnson, & V. . Battiste (2010) Assessment for the Use of Electronic Flight Bags for Displaying Enhanced Traffic and Weather Information on the Flight Deck, Proceedings of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences conference (ICAS 2010)
Q. . Dao, J. B. Lachter, V. . Battiste, S. L. Brandt, K. L. Vu, T. Z. Strybel, N. . Ho, P. . Martin, & W. W. Johnson (2010) Automated Spacing Support Tools for Interval Management Operations during Continuous Descent Approaches, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings (Vol. 54, pp. 21–25)
T. Z. Strybel, K. L. Vu, L. P. Bacon, J. M. Kraut, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2010) Diagnosticity of an online query technique for measuring pilot situation awareness in Nextgen, Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2010 IEEE/AIAA 29th (pp. 4.B.1-1-4.B.1-12). Presented at the Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2010 IEEE/AIAA 29th, IEEE.
S. V. Ligda, Q. . Dao, K. L. Vu, T. Z. Strybel, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2010) Impact of Conflict Avoidance Responsibility Allocation on Pilot Workload in a Distributed Air Traffic Management System, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings (Vol. 54, pp. 55–59)
W. W. Johnson, N. . Ho, V. . Battiste, K. L. Vu, J. B. Lachter, S. V. Ligda, Q. . Dao, & P. . Martin (2010) Management of continuous descent approach during interval management operation, Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2010 IEEE/AIAA 29th (pp. 4.D.4-1-4.D.4-13). Presented at the Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2010 IEEE/AIAA 29th, IEEE
K. L. Vu, T. Z. Strybel, J. M. Kraut, L. P. Bacon, K. . Minakata, J. H. Nguyen, A. . Rotterman, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2010) Pilot and controller workload and situation awareness with three traffic management concepts, Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2010 IEEE/AIAA 29th (pp. 4.A.5-1-4.A.5-10). Presented at the Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2010 IEEE/AIAA 29th, IEEE.
N. . Ho, W. W. Johnson, P. . Martin, J. B. Lachter, Q. . Dao, S. L. Brandt, & V. . Battiste (2010) Pilot response to off-nominal conditions in merging and spacing operation, Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2010 IEEE/AIAA 29th (pp. 4.D.3-1-4.D.3-13). Presented at the Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2010 IEEE/AIAA 29th, IEEE.
S. V. Ligda, N. H. Johnson, J. B. Lachter, & W. W. Johnson (2009) Pilot Confidence with ATC Automation Using Cockpit Situation Display Tools in a Distributed Traffic Management Environment, Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Interaction, 816–825
D. A. Comerford-Roman, S. . Granada, W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, Q. . Dao, & S. L. Brandt (2009) Pilots' Weather-related Decision Making, Results from a Workshop Survey
Q. . Dao, S. L. Brandt, V. . Battiste, K. L. Vu, T. Z. Strybel, & W. W. Johnson (2009) The Impact of Automation Assisted Aircraft Separation on Situation Awareness, Human Interface, Part II, HCII 2009, LNCS 5618, pp. 738–747
V. . Battiste, W. W. Johnson, Q. . Dao, S. L. Brandt, N. H. Johnson, & S. . Granada (2008) Assessment of Flight Crew Acceptance of Automated Resolution Suggestions and Manual Resolution Tools, 26th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Anchorage, AK
Q. . Dao, V. . Battiste, S. . Granada, & W. W. Johnson (2006) Evaluation of the usefulness and usability of cockpit situation display perspectives for ROV operations in approach civil air space, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th Annual Meeting
W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, S. . Granada, N. H. Johnson, Q. . Dao, D. . Wong, & A. B. Tang (2005) A simulation evaluation of a human-centered approach to flight deck procedures and automation for en route free maneuvering, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK
W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, S. . Granada, N. H. Johnson, Q. . Dao, D. . Wong, & A. B. Tang (2005) A simulation evaluation of a human-centered approach to flight deck procedures and automation for en route free maneuvering, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology
T. . Prevot, T. J. Callantine, P. U. Lee, J. . Mercer, V. . Battiste, W. W. Johnson, E. A. Palmer, & N. M. Smith (2005) Co-Operative Air Traffic Management: A Technology Enabled Concept for the Next Generation Air Transportation System, 5th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar. Baltimore, MD
R. . Canton, M. . Refai, W. W. Johnson, & V. . Battiste (2005) Development and Integration of Human-Centered Conflict Detection and Resolution Tools for Airborne Autonomous Operations.
V. . Battiste, E. A. Palmer, W. W. Johnson, N. M. Smith, T. . Prevot, J. . Mercer, S. . Granada, N. H. Johnson, Q. . Dao, & P. U. Lee (2005) Human Centered Decision Support Tools for Arrival Merging and Spacing, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK
M. . Liao, S. . Granada, & W. W. Johnson (2005) The influence of Brightness Cueing on eye movements within a cockpit display of traffic information.
N. M. Smith, P. U. Lee, T. . Prevot, J. . Mercer, E. A. Palmer, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2004) A Human-in-the-loop Evaluation of Air-Ground Trajectory Negotiation, AIAA 4th Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Forum, Chicago, Illinois
M. . Liao, & W. W. Johnson (2004) Characterizing the effects of droplines on target acquisition performance on a 3-D perspective display, Human Factors, 46, 476-96.
Kaiser, M. & Johnson, W. W. (2003). How now, broad tau? In H. Hecht & G. J. P. Savelsbergh (Eds.), Theories of Time to Contact. North-Holland Publishers
V. . Riley, G. . Chatterji, W. W. Johnson, R. . Mogford, P. . Kopardekar, E. . Sierra, M. . Landing, & G. F. Lawton (2004) Pilot Perceptions of Airspace Complexity. Part 2, 23rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference. Salt Lake City, UT
P. U. Lee, N. M. Smith, V. . Battiste, W. W. Johnson, J. . Mercer, E. A. Palmer, & T. . Prevot (2004) Trajectory Negotiation via Data Link: Evaluation of Human-in-the-loop Simulation, HCI-Aero 2004: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aeronautics, Toulouse, France
T. J. Callantine, T. . Prevot, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2003) Agent-based support for distributed air/ground traffic management simulation research, AIAA 2003-5371, Reston, VA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
W. W. Johnson, K. D. Bilimoria, L. C. Thomas, Q. L. Hilda, & V. . Battiste (2003) Comparison of pilot and automation generated conflict resolutions, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, Austin, Texas
T. . Prevot, S. G. Sheldon, E. A. Palmer, W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, N. M. Smith, T. J. Callantine, P. U. Lee, & J. . Mercer (2003) Distributed Air/Ground Traffic Managemnet Simulation: Results, Progress and Plans, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Austin TX
P. U. Lee, J. . Mercer, L. H. Martin, T. . Prevot, S. . Shelden, S. . Verma, N. M. Smith, V. . Battiste, W. W. Johnson, R. . Mogford, & E. A. Palmer (2003) Free Maneuvering, Trajectory Negotiation, and Self-Spacing Concepts in Distributed Air-Ground Traffic Management, Proceedings of the 5th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, Air-Ground Cooperation Track, Budapest, Hungary
M. K. Kaiser, & W. W. Johnson (2003) How now, broad tau?, In H. Hecht and G. J. P. Savelsbergh (Eds.), Time-to-contact. Advances in Psychology Series. Amsterdam: Elsevier - North-Holland
V. . Riley, E. . Sierra, R. . Mogford, W. W. Johnson, P. . Kopardekar, G. . Chatterji, & G. F. Lawton (2003) Pilot Perceptions of Airspace Complexity, Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC 2003). Indianapolis, IN
W. W. Johnson, K. . Jordan, M. . Liao, & S. . Granada (2003) Sensitivity and bias in searches of cockpit display of traffic information utilizing highlighting/lowlighting, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, Ohio
W. W. Johnson, M. . Liao, & S. . Granada (2002) Effects of symbol brightness cueing on attention during a visual search of a cockpit display of traffic information..
W. W. Johnson, & M. . Liao (2002) The effects of monocular cues on a 3-D target acquisition task..
W. W. Johnson, & V. . Battiste (2000) Enabling Cockpit-Based Self-Separation.
W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, & S. . Holland (1999) A cockpit display designed to enable limited flight deck separation responsibility, Transactions - Journal of Aerospace, 108 (1)
L. J. Bernstein, M. K. Kaiser, & W. W. Johnson (1997) Contingency of integrating multiple features as revealed by illusory conjunctions, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society
W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, S. . Delzell, S. . Holland, S. A. Belcher, & K. . Jordan (1997) Development and Demonstration of a Prototype Free Flight Cockpit Display of Traffic Information, Proceedings of the 1997 SAE/AIAA World Aviation Congress
L. J. Bernstein, M. K. Kaiser, & W. W. Johnson (1996) Illusory conjunctions of shape, color, and motion, Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
W. W. Johnson, & M. K. Kaiser (1996) Virtual windows for vehicle simulation, Proceedings of the 1996 IMAGE Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona
W. W. Johnson, & M. K. Kaiser (1995) Perspective imagery in synthetic scenes used to control and guide aircraft during landing and taxi: Some issues and concerns, In J. G. Verly (Ed.), Synthetic Vision for Vehicle Guidance and Control: SPIE Proceedings Volume 2463, 194-204
W. W. Johnson, & A. . Andre (1993) Visual cueing aids to rotocraft landings, In C. L. Blanken, J. V. Lebacqz, R. H. Stroub, & M. S. Whalley (Eds.), Proceedings of piloting vertical flight aircraft: A conference on flying qualities and human factors (pp. 4.1 - 4.20). San Francisco, California: American Helicopter Society/NASA
W. W. Johnson, M. K. Kaiser, & D. C. Foyle (1992) Beyond the cockpit: The visual world as a flight instrument, Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, Miami Beach, FL, May
W. W. Johnson, M. K. Kaiser, & D. C. Foyle (1992) Beyond the cockpit: The visual world as a flight instrument, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association
M. K. Kaiser, W. W. Johnson, L. . Mowafy, R. T. Hennessy, & J. A. Matsumoto (1992) Visual augmentation for night flight over featureless terrain, Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 48th Annual Forum, Vol 1, 275-280
D. C. Foyle, M. K. Kaiser, & W. W. Johnson (1992) Visual cues in low-level flight: Implications for pilotage, training, simulation, and enhanced/synthetic vision systems, American Helicopter Society 48th Annual Forum, Vol. 1, 253-260
D. C. Foyle, W. W. Johnson, & M. K. Kaiser (1992) Visual cues in low-level flight: Implications for pilotage, training, simulation, and enhanced/synthetic vision systems, Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 48th Annual Forum, Vol. 1, 253-260
L. . Mowafy, W. W. Johnson, & M. K. Kaiser (1991) Night flight over limited-feature terrains, Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society
W. W. Johnson, M. K. Kaiser, J. A. Perrone, & C. A. Awe (1991) Vehicle orientation: The perception of surface slant and glideslope, Presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology
W. W. Johnson, & M. K. Kaiser (1991) Visually Guided Control of Movement, NASA Conference Proceedings #3118
W. W. Johnson, & A. V. Phatak (1990) Modeling the pilot in visually controlled flight, Control Systems Magazine, IEEE, 10(5), 24–26